

Ennen yhteisöajanlaskun alkua
Käyntejä: 4 618 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
310 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 149 (49 %)
Poikia: 161 (51 %)
35,1 vuotta
Otos: 205 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 34,8 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 35,4 vuotta

Jäsenet (310)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Gothicpolar!!Luonut: GothicpolarKeskiviikko 10.08.2011 06:04

\,,/ Rock N Roll Is All I Got \,,/

Gothicpolar-Luonut: GothicpolarMaanantai 14.02.2011 18:39

I could have bought you roses
or a diamond ring
that's just material things
this day I want you to be mine
I'm your blood stained valentine

Gothicpolar[Ei aihetta]Luonut: GothicpolarLauantai 12.02.2011 11:04

Sick, Am I sick?
And for these last five years I've been stuck up in here.
Inside this brain that drains into society, injected in your veins.
Give me hand grenades, give me razor blades,
give me anything to make the pain go away
Cause these pills don't work, Sometimes they make it worse.
And now I'm slowly going down the fucking drain.

ArucardFuck meLuonut: ArucardTiistai 23.06.2009 19:03

Murderdolls is epix!!!

I'm wretched, I'm infested, rejected and infected
I'm a loser, I'm a winner, a born-again sinner
Cut my throat and watch me bleed, addicted tragedy
And I hate you and you hate me
So stand in line motherfuckers don't waste my time

See me in the headlines
Manipulate your simple minds
So put your hands up and praise
I'm your god and you're my slave

And people hate me, cause I'm better than you
And people hate me
And that's the motherfucking truth
People hate me and you can all fuck off
I'm perfect, pissed off, beautiful, I'm God

I'm a hooker, I'm your priest
I'm you brand new disease
I'm Satan with distortion, your overdue abortion
And now I'm singing out of key, the God of your T.V.
And all you children will worship me
So give me drugs, your bitches, and your S.T.D's

I'm wicked and addicted, middle-finger double-fisted
I'm neurotic drug-induced and chemically abused
Cut my throat and watch me bleed
Addicted tragedy
And I hate you and you hate me
Wipe the snot onto my sleeve
For I'm your new disease

See me in the headlines
Manipulate your simple minds
So put your hands up and praise, I'm your God...

I'm homicide on parade, a bloody nose, serenade
I'm a human hand grenade
I'll never rot and never go away

And people hate me, cause I'm better than you
And people hate me
And that's the motherfucking truth
People hate me and you can all fuck off
I'm perfect, pissed off, beautiful, I'm God
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