

Käyntejä: 2 976
18 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 17 (95 %)
Poikia: 1 (5 %)
21,8 vuotta
Otos: 11 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 21,8 vuotta
Beichte, sallan, LARPPÄ, Endlich, jjonnaDAA-, CAS_, EmoRoxxi, REDEN-

Jäsenet (18)

« Uudemmat -

With every word another feeling dies
I'm left here in the dark
No memories of you
I close my eyes

It's killing me
We die when love is dead
We lost a dream we never had

It all has no worth if we lose our trust
Try to break free

Taking the last of you & the last of me
neki jo 22 vuotiaita ? ♥ mihinkä tää aika oikeesti menee näin nopeesti ? ♥ Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Kaulitz twins! ♥ :)
Pitäiskö mennä syömään? xDD


Calling them FAKE won't make you REAL

Calling them DUMB won't make you SMART

Calling them WEAK won't make you STRONG

Calling them UGLY won't make you BEAUTIFUL

Calling them MEAN won't make you NICE

Calling them GAY won't make you STRAIGHT

Calling them RUDE won't make you POLITE

so, all haters, please think twice before you go all over some bands, artists or anything at all. We all have different opinions and it deffinately WON'T make you any more popular, cool, or anything if you go and call someone this and that. Thank you ~~
You ask why does Bill Kaulitz look like that? He does his hair like that because IÂ’m pretty sure there is no law that says he canÂ’t. He puts eyeliner on because thereÂ’s no law that says he canÂ’t. And he can pout his lips because thereÂ’s no law that says he canÂ’t. EVERYBODY is wearing skinny jeans these days soÂ…Hello? 21st century here? Artist with the SAME taste and the SAME looks and the SAME hair and the SAME jeans? Or artists who have wild imaginations? Whatever he will ever do, IÂ’m sure I will always love him just the way he is ♥


d0llfacez♥ (;Luonut: d0llfacezMaanantai 08.11.2010 08:54


Nuutti|tsahLuonut: Nuutti|Sunnuntai 09.05.2010 02:25

Vastaa rehellisesti, kun teet tätä testiä.

1. Kuinka monta Tokio Hotel julistetta sinulla on?
a) ei yhtään
b) pari
c) tosi monta

2.Kumpi on sinusta tärkeämpää bändissä, ulkonäkö vai musiikki?

3. Kuinka monen TH:n kappaleen sanojen tarkoituksen tiedät?
a) en ole koskaan ajatellut sitä
c) yli puolten

4. Kuinka kauan olet ollu Tokio hotel fani?
a) viikon
b) vuoden
c) kauemman

5. Mistä kuulit Tokio Hotellista?
a)kaveri kertoi kuinka sööttejä ne on, ja rupesin diggaamaan.
b) Kutosel yhet tytöt tanssi aamun avaukses biisin Scream
c) luin jutun lehdestä, ja ostin levyn.

6. Minulla on Tokio Hotel soittoääni:
a) Ei
b) kohta on!
c) joo

7. Lass uns hier raus on ihana kappale!?!
a) En oo koskaan kuullut
b) kuullut oon, en vaan tykkää kuin soolosta.
c) ihan hyvä.

8. Höpötän mielummin Tokio Hotellin..
a) poikien ulkonäöstä
b) musiikista
c) kaikesta TH:n liittyvästä

9. Luokkasi pojat haukkuvat Tokio hotellin, miten reagoit?
a) Lopetat Tokio Hotellin kuuntelemisen ja katselemisen siihen paikkaan.
b) Haukut heidän musiikkimakuaan takaisin!
c) Et välitä, vaan painat mp3:sesi lujemmalle ja syvenyt kuuntelemaan Schreitä.

10! Mitä tiedät Tokio Hotellista?
a) NE Pojat on söpöjä.
b) Nimet, iät lempibändit yms.
c) kaiken maahdollisen!

Eniten a) vastauksia : IHKUTTAJA, välität Tokio Hotellista vain, koska pojat sattuvat olemaan sööttejä.

Eniten b)vastauksia : vaihtoehtoinen. Pidät TH:sta, koska ne tekee
hyvää musaa, mutta tykkäät myös katsella poikia. :D

Eniten c)vastauksia : TOSIFANI! Sinua parempaa fania ei bändi voi saada. :D Tiedät heistä kaiken, omistat kaiken fanikrääsän ja kuuntelet jokapäivä Durch den monsunin! :) Sinulle Tokio Hotel on henki ja elämä.

mirayarrAewwLuonut: mirayarrMaanantai 03.05.2010 23:36

No onko ees sulosimmat!<3

Nuutti|jjo sori tapan galleriaa 8)Luonut: Nuutti|Perjantai 16.04.2010 20:49

"Bill may be taller but everything else I have is bigger!" - Tom Kaulitz

"Me, I'm still a rascal. Inside, I am still the kid I was. He guides me every day." - Tom Kaulitz

"My girlfriend had a Britney poster in her room and I said "Dress up like a school girl" and at the age of six i gave her a (beep) and it lasted me the next 12 years." - Tom Kaulitz

"Wearing these wide of jeans has a specific meaning. I was actually forced to wear them cause one leg is a bit bigger the other, if you know what I mean... it the only choice I have" - Tom Kaulitz

"The best birthday present I ever got was 10 minutes after I was born." Tom Kaulitz [for Bill]

"I'm too expensive" - Bill Kaulitz

"I won't let anyone stand between me and my brother." - Bill Kaulitz

“thank you for everything you do, for everything you did….thank you for always being there….” - Bill Kaulitz [Humanoid City Tour]

"One can connect through music with people in all Countries and that's an amazing feeling" - Bill Kaulitz

"I've been a fan of me ever since..." - Tom Kaulitz

"Being wet doesn't suit you a lot, but it suits me" - Bill Kaulitz

"Dear Children, eat healthy food at home. Always eat hamburgers!" - Bill Kaulitz

"When I look at Bill, I know right away how he thinks. I can feel if he's having problems, even if I'm not with him." - Tom Kaulitz

Bill: What's lying here...? Â…Tom your teddy!
Tom: Yes, okay!! My teddyÂ… Put it down over there!

"Pose Gustav, always keep posing" - Bill Kaulitz

"'Tom is the best' is the only thing you need to know." - Tom Kaulitz

"Tom is really-middle class, uptight and boring, a zero. You're a real zero Tom" - Bill Kaulitz

"I'm just simply the best singer after Bill! ;)" - Gustav Schäfer

“Georg, you can only buy a tent, but you can stay in my house…. in the closet, with all the cleaning supplies.” - Bill Kaulitz

"You have to remember that Bill hasn't got the biggest brain" - Tom Kaulitz

"I'm a self made man." - Tom Kaulitz.

"Always speak your mind." - Tom Kaulitz

"I only want true love for one night." - Tom Kaulitz

"Even though Tom wears the ugliest clothes on this planet, he still looks fabulous" - Tom Kaulitz

"tattoos are painful, but I just got my fifth ring in my penis. Where we can talk pain"- Tom Kaulitz

"I have a number of piercings in my genitals." - Tom Kaulitz

"das ist geloooooogennn... geloooooogennnnn" - Tom Kaulitz

"Honestly, I have as much clue about cooking as Georg has about playing bass, but I'm defeinitely good at sandwiches." - Tom Kaulitz

"Maybe it's a sex toy and you put it in your Ass" - Tom Kaulitz

"I like beautiful "eyes". Big beautiful "eyes"!" - Tom Kaulitz

"My teeth are perfect!" - Bill Kaulitz

"I'm not boring, I'm in love." - Georg Listing

"Bill... He is my everything"- Gustav Schäfer

“Don't go on my carpet with your wet shoes!” - Gustav Schäfer

"Yes, I'm a black ninja" - Gustav Schäfer

"The biggest lie: that I always say everyday that I love the guys." - Gustav Schäfer

“I have a big butt.” – Gustav Schäfer

"Under The Radar, Over The Top" - Gustav Schäfer

-HUMANOID-<33 KKLuonut: -HUMANOID-Keskiviikko 07.04.2010 21:46

Voisin haluta takasinpäi taasan kuukaude..
voisin mennä ...
näkemää parisataa KESKISORMEE


Miten siitä voi olla jo KUUKAUSI !!? <3
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