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Kirjoita tähän nimi tai nimen osa aloittaaksesi hakemisen.
Hakua tehdessä tapahtui odottamaton virhe. Yritä hetken kuluttua uudestaan!
Hakusi ei tuottanut tuloksia. Ole hyvä ja yritä toisilla hakusanoilla!
Jo useita kertoja Itä-Suomen hovioikeus on lieventänyt seksuaalirikollisten tuomioita. Hovioikeus on lievennyksillään antanut ymmärtää, että naisten ja lasten seksuaalista koskemattomuutta saa rikkoa ilman suurempia seuraamuksia.
Tällainen linja ei saa jatkua, jonkun on puututtava asiaan. Laitetaan yhdessä pyörät pyörimään!
Oletko samaa mieltä?
Liity ryhmään!
The Appellate Judicial Court in Eastern Finland has adopted a line to diminish the sentences of sex offenders ruled in a lower court. With such leniency and reduced sentences the court conveys a message that violation of Finnish women and children does not warrant for significant consequences.
The most recent ruling is for rape of a 15-year old by a police officer, for which the sentence was reduced to 1 year 10 months probation! (July 2009). The case that triggered this Facebook group and the affiliated petition, has to do with the gang rape sentence (November 2008): the reduced sentences of five men who raped a 15-year old, are from 1.5 years SUSPENDED jail to from 2 yrs 10 months of incarceration.
Such leniency in treating sex offenders by the court is intolerable and must be stopped. Lets join together to get some our Finnish legislators alerted to this discrepancy in the delivery of justice in Finland! Are you sympathetic to this cause? Then join the group 100 000 against the appellate court of Eastern Finland [in Finnish 100 000 vastaan ISHOVI]. There is an affiliated petition to sign at the bottom of www.adressit.com/ishovi. Unfortunately this is only in Finnish as you must register as a signee.