

Käyntejä: 1 650
11 jäsentä
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19,5 vuotta
Otos: 5 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 19,5 vuotta

Jäsenet (11)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
There's nothing you can do, now she is gone
You keep thinking about all the things you did wrong
When she gave you all she had and you gave her nothing in return
Now the candles are lit so it's time for them to burn
You had every opportunity to prove she meant the world
But went back on your word like she was just another girl
You didn't think much of it cuz you said you were sorry
But this is how it goes is just another love story

Can't forget her, can't forget her smile
She's the sun in the rain, she's the truth in a lie
And no matter what you do
You know she's never coming home
Because the pain is so unbearable she'd rather be alone
You took her for granted
And you didn't even know it
But now that she's gone everyday begins to show it
And nothing makes a difference cuz nothings gonna change
Her mind is made up and that's the way it's gonna stay
Everything's wrong and nothing seems right
But what about those other girls that you were with all night?
She forgave you each time cuz she had a bit of faith
But that faith ran out slowly each and every day
With more broken promises and more heart breaks
I mean, how much hurt do you think this girl can take?
She must mean nothing if you do what you do
So why do you do it if you know that's not true?

Pause. Stop. Rewind.
Lets do a re-take
Now all you wanna do is reverse your mistakes
You think about her smile, you think about her eyes
You think about the truth caught up with all the lies
You swore more than twice and she trusted your word
But each and every time it's nothing she hasn't heard
She never knew the truth, but now she's reassured
That she's better off without you though that's not what she preferred

No there's nothing you can do, now she is gone
You keep thinking about all the things you did wrong
When she gave you all she had and you gave her nothing in return
Now the candles are lit so it's time for them to burn
You had every opportunity to prove she meant the world
But went back on your word like she was just another girl
You didn't think much of it cuz you said you were sorry
But this is how it goes it's just another love story

It's just another love story

mmaijau:3 sulinLuonut: mmaijauMaanantai 03.06.2013 16:11

ankkapallohappy b-dayLuonut: ankkapalloSunnuntai 02.10.2011 16:52

jeyy ♥
piäni on jo 20 vuotta D:: ei kyl uskois todellakaa
kaikella rakkaudella

Jjuli`ALov it <3Luonut: Jjuli`ATorstai 07.07.2011 04:17

vastaa näihin kysymyksiin tai lempi artistisi kuolee kahden vuorokauden sisällä.
Onko hän mies vai nainen? - mies<3
Mikä hänen nimensä on? - Jeydon Whale <3
Mikä on hänen paras biisi? - Just another love story & Wrapped Around Your Finger
Mitä olisit valmis maksamaan hänen tapaamisestaan? - aaik paljo<3
Asutteko samassa valtiossa? - eeij
Onko hänestä hyötyä yhteiskunnalle? - o <3 koska se viihdyttää ihmisii.
Onko hänellä sisaruksia? - juu, paige ja puol veli Brandon oo;
Mitä tekisit, jos hän nyt istuisi viereesi? - sekoisin, ja pyytäisin nimmarii& yhtist ja sit puhuisin (:
Onko hän hyvä ihminen? - ON !

Jjuli`AI'm a Soldier.Luonut: Jjuli`ASunnuntai 29.05.2011 18:13

Onse niin vitun säälittävää poistaa jostain irc yhteisöstä, jos sanoo suoraa miltä siltä tuntuu ku sille nauretaa.
Tollaset vitun fanit ketkä nauraa sille vois potkii takas kohtuu.
Lopussa se kiitos seisoo.
eile blog tv'ssä kysyin siltä "come to finland !?" ja täleee , ni se vaa "come to finland... maybe !! .... scary movie..." ni sekosko eees o';;;; se niinku vastas mul !!1 ::D:DDd <333 omghooossssssd.. 8)&lt;nam&gt;&lt;tuuletus&gt; oli se niiiiiii ihanana taas et huhhuhh !11 &lt;vink&gt;&lt;nam&gt;

Jeydon Wale livechat blog tv 25.9.2010 <3 // ps. omistan (;; !
(c) outiw
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »