

Autot ja muut kulkuneuvot
Käyntejä: 127
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

arttucameback224Luonut: arttucamebackPerjantai 23.07.2010 03:01

all that I ever wanted - to understand my nightmares
possessed by my fears - betrayed by my pride
alone I wandered in the deepest dark
seeking comfort from the vanity
each time I escape the real
my soul died, died a bit more

confronting the evil within
praying for my angel to appear
agonized whisper into the emptiness
begging for salvation - salvation for this cursed mind

words without meaning
touch without feeling
- I did not recognize my own face...
eyes that were once shining - now extinguished

left only a silent cold
sound of a tear falling down
in the desperate hour of loneliness
this shattered heart reaching
for it's relief - the relief it can not find

glance without affection
kiss without sensitivity
promise without comprehension
love without hope - I do not remember my own tale...

betrayed by my anger
betrayed by my beliefs
betrayed by my delusions
betrayed by my lust

I wish..
strength - to be released from my demons

I desire...
wisdom - to forgive the past
- to forgive me
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »