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SoffiiaROAWRLuonut: SoffiiaMaanantai 23.05.2011 21:08

Nuha + laulaminen .___.

SoffiiaROAWRLuonut: SoffiiaKeskiviikko 20.04.2011 20:19

"I would love to have heart" - Sofia Näse

You were everything I ever wanted,
the smile I have been waiting for.
The piece of my heart which have never been done,
it would be nice to have your love.

Maybe you could finish my heart tonight,
cause I think I need it more.
Because now you have become my light,
and you have opened that door.

The door which kept me always inside,
the world I always hated.
But now you can stay by my side,
but I have been killed.

Does it matter if im alive?
Does it matter if im just a lie?
Im sure you will see,
that everything about me,
is going to slowly kill you aswell,
welcome to my world, its called hell.

SoffiiaROAWRLuonut: SoffiiaTorstai 23.09.2010 18:50

Sain vihdoin tehtyä sävelen mun yhteen lauluun joka on muhinut mun päässä about puol vuotta!! :DD Nyt on enää neljät laulun sanat ilman sointuja tai mitään........... xDD
josta myös tuli mieleen again mun ja hennan laulu XD

mut jooo heipä hei vaan teille mussukaiset mun karvattomat karvakorvat x3
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »