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kinoboiTRACON VLuonut: kinoboiMaanantai 05.07.2010 18:20

Ei oo nyt oikeestaa mtn asiaa, päätin vaan kirjotella tänne mitä olin sattunu kirjottaa pv kirjaan conin aikana :''D

3/7 -10
Oh jee, we're coni feelisteling wif Johsun in da park and it's nice weather and rly hot. + this Marisa hattu is really headaching XD lolz, rite nao I'm not wearing it but jea.
Johsu hurt his foot, but it's almost okay nao onneks :') Sum woman wanted to shoot him wif this awesome video cam! It wuz nice~ Anygaayyss....
We're sittin' on da chillest place in da whole con prolly, I mean. We moved a bench into da shadow and yeah.
Umm, my phone wont let me log into galtsu so I can't check where the Touhou cossaajat were supposed to meet, but oh well. Maybe I'll see a large group of Touhou cosplayers and then.. yeah.
Umm yeah, end of story :'D
- Niko

Yeah, enjoying the con (still). Met Tydii & Detrah + lots of other cool ppl and yeah, hanging with 'em nao :')
Urr Hurr, they so amazing. :C Fu. Lol but still ahahahaha I feel cool XD
Detrah was much younger looking than expected! I thought she'd be like.. Sasha or something XD
But yeah, nyyh. Now I gotta kick sum butt! >:')
- Niko

4/7 -10
So yay, second day of con and it's great <3 I met Tydii and Detrah again and we chilled together for a while until they decided to go inside and drink and... check some things out? Uhm, but they'd come back out when they were done. I'm cosplaying as Naruko today, getting noticed yay haha XD Hope my hair doesn't look all crap and stuff~ Uhm...
Senthi had really nice beds. We checked out some old factories yesterday, they were creepy as hell :C And one of them had some toxication shit room, meh.
Umm umm. It's hot alredi from the morning, a bit like Dubai, but the air was drier there. I guess it'll be like 30-40 degrees today once the sun has got its lazy ass up on the sky. :')))
Johsu, Ella, Emmi and ppl aren't around yet but I guess they'll be comin' here later on, yeah. That's about it~
- Niko

Meh, soon we're going home, sux. It's so nice here! Tydii and Detrah went shopping and I'm just sitting around in the stairs :'D
Uhm, uhm. It hasen't really happened anything cool or stuff todai, it's just been chill and very hot. But yeah.
My hairs all dead, nothing unexpected. :')
It's nice with cons and ppl, you feel like you belong somewhere. Cause you're not the only weird one (y) I wish the con would be 3 days, cause I just got that belonging feelis and ya know, it's soon over :'C
But uhm, yeah. Lots of random hugs and photos and stuff. It's been a good con. A very good one ♥
Meh mah möh imma gonna stop nao cause I haz nutin to say~
- Niko

Now I'm waiting for the train to arrive, it's still a while before it'll be here but I'm sittin' around in the shadow with some other con ppl.
So sad that the con is over. It was great dun and if i could I'd thank everyone~
Uhm, it's very hot but nice, aahhh... I so over enjoy living XD I guess that's not even possible :'D
I bought some pocky, so that I'll have something to eat~
I'll get home sometime later today, maybe 8-9PM sumtime?
Ah, I really don't have much to say! Like, anymoar :'D But yeah. Hope Tsuki's gonna make it.
- Niko

Että sellasta :''DDD
Kiitos kaikille siis ihanasta conista, oli hauskaa ja kuuma ja mukavaa ja kivaa ja kaikeke XD ♥
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