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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
Chapter 2 The Dragon's Attack.
Udum started his 3 test's the first was to take down some thief's in the town.
he was not wearing any guard armor but he had guard's spear and sword.
everthing looked peacefull until he saw an robbery in the backstreet.
He got there just in time and arrested the thief's who were trying to run away but udum was faster than them and blocked theyre escape route.
The second was to find the leader of the thief's.
He searched and searched but did not find anything he was going back to guard's house but then he saw something there were many thief's in the backstreet and one was a top of crate.
"he must be the leader" udum thought.
He thinked and thinked then he got an idea.
he sneaked nearby and then yell'd.
-We have been betrayed. the leader have sent town guard's at us. run while you can!
the thief's panic and the leader tryed to calm them but that was hopless.
when the thief's where out of the place udum came from his hide and taked his spear and ordered the leader to follow him peacfully.
The Thief leader yell'd and taked his sword and attacked Udum.
Udum did't know anything about fighting but he still fougth the leader.
he got several hit's and got the thoght that he'll going to die.
Then he head a voice from his head.
-Are you going down so easily little brother.
Then the light surounded Udum and the thief leader stoped his attack's
-What is this devilry?
When the light dissapeared udum felt a little disy and when he looked the thief leader he saw that he was affraid.
Udum commanded the thief leader to follow him and amazingly he did as orderet.
When udum came back tho guard's house with the thief leader everyone was looking at him.
-Why is every one looking at me?
-Are you Udum?
Guard's captain asked Udum
-Yes. don't you know me anymore?
Everyone was pointing at the mirror...
Udum looked at the mirror and for his suprise he was transformet to Half Elf.
every one was very suprised until the town alarm startet.
Guard's runned outside and saw that it was true that the dragon attacks.
Every guard started to get the town's folk safety, but then udum heard againg a sound in his head.
-A mear Dragon Hmph! show it what i have teached you little borther.
And Udum's spear started to glow...
-What's happening!
Udum yell'd.
-Use that spear little brother.
Udum is getting comfused about the dragon's attack, voice in his head and that his spear is glowing.
Udum getted back to earth and pointet the spear at the Dragon.
Then the glow in the spear got stronger until it sendet a beam of light to the dragon, slahsing right trought it.
after that udum loses his conscious...
When Udum woke's an odd face is in front of him ...
-Thank to the god your awake.
-Who are you ?
-Im daugther of the landlord Silian and you're Udum the Dragon slayer.
-Im what? and how do you know my name?
-Everybody knows your name you're a legend around here.
Udum was thinking of asking something but then Silian yell's.
-Come outside everybody is waiting for you!
When udum got up and outside he was very suprised every guard was honoring him.
-Hail Udum the Dragon slayer!
They yell'd.
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »