

Käyntejä: 1 705
12 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 12
19,6 vuotta
Otos: 5 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 19,6 vuotta
meerijAu, bfmva7f, `sofiasd, WannaMcKenzie, brandonnn, myrkkytatti^^

Jäsenet (12)

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IrapedCrue~Luonut: IrapedCrueLauantai 22.06.2013 14:39

Do you feel the chill,
Clawing at the back of your neck?
I start to spill.
Did you really think that you could fix me?
They'll sell your bones for another roll.
Well sharpen your teeth.
Tell yourself that it's just business.

Worms come out of the woodwork.
Leeches crawl from out of the dirt
Rats come out of the holes they call home,
I fall apart.
And the snakes start to sing.

Don't say I'm better off dead,
'Cause heaven's full and hell won't have me.
Won't you make some room in your bed?
Oh, well you could lock me up in your heart,
And throw away the key.
Won't you take me out of my head?

I'm just a would've been, could've been,
Should've been, never was and never ever will be.
Well sharpen your teeth.
Tell yourself that it's just business.
Would've been, could've been,
Should've been, never was, and never ever will be.
Worms come out of the woodwork,
And the snakes start to sing.

♥ puurrr!

IrapedCrue~Luonut: IrapedCrueMaanantai 01.04.2013 14:30

My secrets are burning a hole through my heart
And my bones catch a fever
When it cuts you up this deep
It's hard to find a way to breathe

Your eyes are swallowing me
Mirrors start to whisper
Shadows start to see
My skin's smothering me
Help me find a way to breathe

Time stood still
The way it did before
It's like I'm sleepwalking
Fell into another hole I dug
It's like I'm sleepwalking

I'm at the edge of the world
Where do I go from here?
Do I disappear?
Edge of the world
Should I sink or swim?
Or simply disappear?

IrapedCrue~Luonut: IrapedCrueTiistai 12.03.2013 21:00

Because you sat when the world was at your feet,
Just slept while we lived the dream

You won't miss the water,
Till the river runs dry
You won't miss the sunset,
Till it burns out the sky
You won't miss what you have,
Till it's finally lost
But you don't miss a bastard,
When you're bearing his fucking cross

With friends like you,
There's no need for enemies
With friends like you,
There's no need for anything

Well fuck...

IrapedCrue~Luonut: IrapedCrueLauantai 16.02.2013 19:39

All is fair in love and war, so they tell me.
All is fair in love and war, so they say.

Come on, come on, there has to be a better way.
Get up, get up, let's leave this mess.
I know a place that we can get away from all of this.
Come on come on, get up get up.

I couldn't see a thing till I shut my eyes.
I never knew a thing till I lost my mind.
I would sell my soul to know it all, but I held the keys all this time.

I can feel the insanity... "GET OUT FROM THAT HOUSE, NOW" it says.

siiseli516 OLIVER SYKES ♥Luonut: siiseliSunnuntai 20.11.2011 17:48


parkwaydrive[Ei aihetta]Luonut: parkwaydriveMaanantai 11.07.2011 16:20

Tee tämä lempilaulajastasi tai et tule näkemään häntä koskaan !

- kuka hän on ? - oliver sykes
- onko hän mies vai nainen ? - mies
- ensimmäinen biisi jonka kuulit kyseiseltä artistilta ? - diamond's aren't forever
- mihin biisiin ihastuit ensimmäisenä ? - öö se tais olla chelsea smile
- oletko nähnyt häntä livenä, tai tuletko näkemään ? - en oo, MUTTA MARRASKUSSA KYLLÄ!
- kuinka usein kuuntelet hänen musiikkia ? - everydayy
- lempparibiisi ? - it never ends
- onko artisti suosittu ? - no ei niin kauheen kuuluisa suomessa
- fanittaako kukaan kavereistasi häntä ? - en usko :D
- rakastatko tätä artistia ? - Kyllä.
- onko sinulla hänen julisteita ? - oh yeah
- paljonko olet valmis maksamaan artistin näkemisestä ? - aika paljon
- Voisitko kuuluttaa koko maailmalle rakastavasi häntä ? - en ehk kuiteskaa

parkwaydriveLuonut: parkwaydriveTorstai 28.04.2011 20:53

marsiiw(;;;Luonut: marsiiwTorstai 09.09.2010 23:43

ps,, näyttää muute iha marcellilta o;!
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