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Hakua tehdessä tapahtui odottamaton virhe. Yritä hetken kuluttua uudestaan!
Hakusi ei tuottanut tuloksia. Ole hyvä ja yritä toisilla hakusanoilla!
Berzelii Park
2010-12-20 21:00
Pendulum can unite even the toughest rock types and the most club-dependent dance freaks! A statement widely recognized in both camps. At December 20 they enter Berns Salonger in Stockholm with their energy-pumping live show.
The Australians left their homeland and went to England in 2003.Today they have a very good hold of the British and the rest of the West with their hyper-potent mix of drum'n'bass, rock and electronica.
They have just released their third studio album 'Immersion', which can be described as hard hitting and fast-paced electronica with new dimensions and more range than previously. Lead singer Rob Swire's voice goes from hard distortion to pumping dance.
Headlining this summer's Pier Pressure Festival at Gothenburg they hosted a party for thousands of people at Red Stage, and transformed a mixed audience to a unicellular, hyperactive dancing organism. The Australians are very keen to repeat this triumph when they enter Berns just before Christmas.