tein tänkin kun kukaan muu ei ollu tehny Holy Musical B@man
koska awesomeness
oon laulanu koko aamun että ''i want to be somebody's buddy! somebody who can be my buddy back! i want to be somebody's buddy! anybody but a dumb shit butler!
Taas koukutuin kattoon tätä gifiä Miten jokkut ihmiset voi oikeesti olla noin ihania? Toi Joeyn ilme ennen ku se vetää Darrenin lähelleen *sigh* Ja Darrenin lähes hetero tapa halaa Joeyta... Nää miehet saa mut itkeen
Chris composed himself and let himself become Kurt, 'I know' Kurt said, sitting up excitedly, 'lets play a game. Okay, on the count of three, name your favourite 2010 Vogue cover' he desperately wished that Darren wouldn't screw up this time. 'You ready? 1, 2, 3-'
He turned to Darren excitedly saying 'Marion Cotillard! Oh my god!' as Darren turned to him and cried,