

Käyntejä: 5 003
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Jäsenet (264)

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MickeMANGUSTItake this pain awayLuonut: MickeMANGUSTIMaanantai 18.05.2015 22:34


siiseli910 !Luonut: siiseliTorstai 11.07.2013 04:26

j'te donne tout mon amour
et t'offre c'qui me fait vivre.
j'te donne mon coeur.
et si tu le veux on fonce,
pour l'meilleur et l'pire.

mmaijau;__;Luonut: mmaijauKeskiviikko 22.05.2013 00:59


UtawanareOmakivaaLuonut: UtawanareSunnuntai 24.02.2013 22:32

Stranger: hello? *a young girl with pale skin and strange long blue hair that covered her eyes stood infront of the stranger. she was drenched in rain and looked quite ill* who are you?
You: " your worst nightmare" I whispered and pointed her whit my gun.
Stranger: *the girl cowers and whimpers slightly* b-but...i never had a nightmare with you in it...p-please dont shoot...
You: "well this will be the first and the last nightmare then" I chucled darkly. Not moving from where i was standing and not lowering my gun.
Stranger: s-so this is all a bad dream? *she looks up hopefully,reveiling pure white eyes*
You: " Yes ofcorse, when i shoot you, you will wake up in paradise" I said with a little bit too sweet voice and a fakes smile full of irony.
Stranger: ...why are you doing this?
You: " you ask too many questions"
Stranger: ...sorry...*she looks down sincerely*
You: I nodded and loaded the gun. " Hope we won't see in paradise" I said and shot the girl between her eyes
Stranger: *she fell to the ground with a thud. her eyes were wide open and she has a blank expression*
You: I made out a loud sigh and walked over the girl closing her eyes. " Grate now my jacket is all wet" i mumbled walking back to my car.

Stranger: are you the 17 year old guy I was just talking to?
You: no
You: why?
You: you in love?
Stranger: yes
You: should have taken number
You: or put a ring on him
Stranger: nah I accidentally pressed back
Stranger: now I've lost him
You: life goes on
You: people get lost
You: thats how it goes
Stranger: sure
You: like rose
Stranger: oh jah
You: well if you want to keep searching please do
Stranger: sure
Stranger: just for you
Stranger: I will
Stranger: search the skies
Stranger: forever
You: thank you
You: no wait
You: you where the one who was in love

Stranger: hello? *a young girl with pale skin and strange long blue hair that covered her eyes stood infront of the stranger. she was drenched in rain and looked quite ill* who are you?
You: I turn around " How did you come back alive i just shoot you between your eyes" i asked shocked
Stranger: oh hey mister! *ahe smiles innocently*
Stranger: *she
You: I backed against my car.
Stranger: you lied to me about paradise...its ok not angry
You: I lift the gun again, what will it help, it did not help last time " what are you?"
Stranger: im not a demon...or a not really sure...s-sorry! *she smiles still,she seemed just as scared as him*
You: what bloodyhell bullshit was that, everyone knew what they where. " im sure whatever you are, you should not be here, in this ally, bloody hell i bet you should not even be on earth" I mumbled and slowly walked to open my cars door, still pointing with the gun.
Stranger: hm...maybe...but i cant leave...i need to find mama...and...well i've always lived on earth...even before she bit me...
Stranger: *she takes a few steps forward* who are you?
You: " you were bitten" ofg ofcorse she was something like that, all the biting motherfuckers. " don't step closer, show me your teeth " I growled ignoring the question.
Stranger: ...*she blinks and opens her mouth hesitantly,showing sharp-ish teeth. a few wer chipped or missing though*
You: "fuck" i mumbled. ofcorse i had nothing to kill this kid. "ok here is the deal, you kid stay away from me, and i stay out of your way for now"
Stranger: b-but i dont wanna hurt nobody...can you help me?
You: "ah crap since when the monster don't want to hurt no one." I sighed rubbing my face.
Stranger: *she stares at him* ...b-but im not a monster...
You: " monster to me. your kind killed my whole family." I sighed and put my gun away. " If you don't want to hurt no one, kill yourself, it's in your nature to kill, nothing you can do about that kid" I said climbing in to the car.
Stranger: i can just...not kill...? i never kill or hurt anyone! because im not a monster
Stranger: besides...w-what if YOUR kind killed MY family? i-i mean...i dont mind...its just a few bad people...
You: I close the door. No sir im not taking this shit today. " you should have stayed in the paradise" I say and start the engine

-eweww<3Luonut: -ewewwPerjantai 23.11.2012 00:35

siiseli776 !Luonut: siiseliLauantai 20.10.2012 15:52

hihiii , i think i'm in love :3 ♥

weeera-boredom. :----DLuonut: weeera-Tiistai 18.09.2012 23:22

Päivä 01; kuva siitä mitä nyt ajattelet
Päivä 02: kuva siitä, miltä sinusta tuntui tänään
Päivä 03: kuva siitä, mitä teit tänään
Päivä 04: kuva jostain mitä olet menettänyt
Päivä 05: kuva jostain mihin olet riippuvainen
Päivä 06: kuva joka inspiroi sinua
Päivä 07: kuva minne haluaisit mennä
Päivä 08: kuva jostain mitä tarvitset joka päivä
Päivä 09: kuva mitä söit lounaaksi
Päivä 10: kuva siitä, mitä haluat tehdä
Päivä 11: kuva maasta jossa haluaisit asua
Päivä 12: kuva suosikki hedelmästäsi
Päivä 13: kuva jostain mitä pelkäät
Päivä 14: kuva sinusta ja ystävästäsi (ystävistäsi)
Päivä 15: kuva kännykästäsi
Päivä 16: kuva jostain mitä haluaisit tehdä ennen kuolemaasi
Päivä 17: kuva siitä mitä harrastat

GAYLAAMAfuck i miss ya ..Luonut: GAYLAAMATiistai 21.08.2012 12:52

Saatanan_PaskaLoaded Smile♥Luonut: Saatanan_PaskaTorstai 19.07.2012 01:25

If I say I'm sorry
It's just me telling a lie
When you're in my arms
I feel emptier inside
I never felt so satisfied

Everything falls into place but
I think I need a little more time
And yeah I know my life has changed but
Honestly I don't know if we'll survive

A loaded smile
An empty glass
And one last dance

Walking hand in hand
You are all I ever want
And when you're not around yeah
Don't even notice that you're gone
We are barely hanging on

Everything falls into place but I
Think I need a little more time
And yeah I know my life has changed but
Honestly I don't know if we'll survive

Makes me want you baby
Can't you feel it, can't you feel it, can't you feel it?
I do still want to baby
It's a certain kind of complicated
Makes me want you baby
Can't you feel it, can't you feel it, can't you feel it?
I do still want to baby
It's a certain kind of complicated
Everything falls into place but I
Think I need a little more time
And yeah I know my life has changed but
Honestly I don't know if we'll survive

A loaded smile
An empty glass
And one last dance

jazzythemonster-Luonut: jazzythemonsterPerjantai 06.07.2012 16:18

You were the first one I loved,
You were the first love I lost.
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