

Käyntejä: 730
4 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 4
18,0 vuotta
Otos: 2 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 18,0 vuotta

Jäsenet (4)



“Hey. My name is Jo Calderone. And I was an asshole. Gaga? Yeah her - Lady Gaga. She left me. She said it always starts out good. And Then the guys- being me- I’m one of the guys, they get crazy. I did I got crazy. But she’s fuckin crazy too right? I mean she is FUCKING CRAZY. For example- she gets out of the bed, puts on the heels, she goes into the bathroom, I hear the water go on, she comes out of the bathroom dripping wet and she still got the heels on. And what’s with the hair? At first it was sexy but now I’m just confused. She said I’m just like the last one. IM NOT LIKE THE LAST ONE. And I think its great yah know, I think its really fucking great that she’s such a star. A big beautiful star in the sky. But how am I supposed to shine? I mean I think id be okay with it you know if found out that she was really …. And maybe she is, I’m starting to think that’s just who she is, maybe that’s just who she is. Cause when she gets on that stage she holds nothing back. That spotlight. That big, round, deep, spotlight follows her wherever she goes. Sometimes I think it follows her home- I know it does…. I gotta get in there. When she comes, it’s like she covers her face cause she doesn’t want me to see that she can’t stand to have one honest moment when nobody’s watching. I want her to be real. But she says “Jo, I’m not real. I’m theatre. And you and I- this is just the rehearsal.”

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