

Käyntejä: 469
2 jäsentä
Poikia: 2 (100 %)
15,2 vuotta
Otos: 1 jäsen
Poikien keski-ikä: 15,2 vuotta

Jäsenet (2)



Keepin' it real since 1954.


"The term 'Black Power' is unfortunate because it tends to give the impression of Black nationalism…………Black Supremacy would be as evil as White Supremacy."
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This page is NOT Black Supremacy. This page is solely in recognition of Black Power.

All are welcome to contribute. However, please remember that this page is not a breeding ground for racism or hate! Check your bigotry at the door. Black Power!

What our fans are saying:
This page is NOT racist! Ok! So shut up! It is to show brotherhood & unity! U don't need to be Black or African! U just have to support Blacks & Africans! If you're offended by this page, go make up your own page & stay off this one! Stop hatin on #BLCKPWR
-Iyad A-bdi

one World one Heart one Love. Peace!
-Andrea de Franceschi

This page is beautiful.
-Lemone Johnson

My Strength Is Black Power...Of Course I'm Proud To Be Black.
-Melik Smith

Im a White man but I was born to show no hate only love and one white man who inspired me to support African Americans is Morris Dees.. Even though I live in Texas most of my friends are black and I stand up for them when a redneck talks crap.... BLACK POWER
-Chris Reid Ward

I like this.... Black ppl unit
-Justin Pierce

Righteousness is what it is... So get back at me because I have the same fist. My brother or sister, whoever you are, right on.
-M.j. Revels

I admire Black people who show a lot of pride. It's righteous.
-Matthew Pomana

Blacks are the coolest people out there!, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, Morgan Freeman, Apollo Creed the list goes on and on.
-Cleveland Humphrey

Eli ei ole rasistinen, ei sellasta.
Edistää kultuuria joten kaikki mukaan!
Black or White that ok!

Hienot Kengät vai Kaulahuivit ;)Torstai 01.09.2011 20:09, 135 vastaajaa

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