

Käyntejä: 5 545 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
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Jäsenet (630)

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himynameiskebab\m/Luonut: himynameiskebabTiistai 05.06.2012 18:19


Kiitt mahtavasta keikast ja loistoseurast (: oli upee alku kesälomalle c;

tamperene<3 jänskättääLuonut: tampereneMaanantai 31.10.2011 10:08

VVITTU OIKEESTI! 22.07.11 ideparkista ostin keikkalipun ja vittu nyt on enää 6 päivää ni näkee MACHINE HEAD, DEVILDRIVER, BRING ME THE HORIZON & DARKEST HOUR ei saatana :DDD

parkwaydrivemiten jaksan odottaaLuonut: parkwaydrivePerjantai 24.06.2011 21:33

ei helvetti bmth marraskuulla tampereelle

T1mmmyHaloLuonut: T1mmmyLauantai 02.04.2011 15:38

This is a call to arms,
Will you stand beside me?
This is our time to fight
No more compromising
And this blackened heart will sing
For sad solidarity

Halo over our demise
Following a god so blind
Sallow in their sickening
Swallow not, the shit they feed

This is a right to life,
Not the Religious Right's act
This is abortion's knife,
Aiming at the wombs of
The Christian conspiracy
See open thine eyes and see, the

Halo over our demise
Following a god so blind
Sallow in their sickening
Swallow not, the shit they feed

Our time will come, our time will come
Our time is now, our time is now

And I won't pray for you

Halo over our demise
Following a god so blind
Sallow in their sickening
Swallow not, the shit they feed

The words will never hold us down
Prayers won't be spared on you
Satisfaction denied
'Til you're dead and gone
Dead and gone!
You're gone!

Rickenbacker``jebouLuonut: Rickenbacker``Sunnuntai 20.03.2011 13:14

Kerro tämän hetken 6 lempibändiäsi/-artistiasi ja listaa jokaiselta heidän kolme omasta mielestäsi parasta kappaletta:

1. In Flames
- Versus Terminus
- Come Clarity
- Dismiss the cynics
2. Avenged Sevenfold
- Eternal Rest
- Crossroads
- Save Me
3. Anathema
- Dreaming Light
- Flying
- Empty
4. Amorphis
- From The Heaven of My Heart
- Her Alone
- The Smoke
5. Machine Head
- Clenching the Fists of Dissent
- The Rage to Overcome
- A Farewell to Arms
6. Nightwish
- The Poet and The Pendulum
- Ghost Love Score
- Dead Boy's Poem
Machine Head
Bleeding Through
Man Must Die

...harmi vaan kun All Shall Perishin piti peruu keikka! :< Ois ollu kiva nähdä seki taas uudelleen, vaikkakin kolmas kerta... : D MH:lla taitaa olla meitsille neljäs livesetti, HB:lla toinen samaten BT:llä. Man Must Die aika random en oo kuunnellu ollenkaan, eilen checkasin myspacesta ihan jees settii sillai, mut ei jaksa kiinnostuu kyl yhtää näin lyhyel varotusajalla.. :p

MUTTA, PARASTA. vittu vihdoinki Machine Head soittaa kunnon livesetin, eikä mitään co-headline 6-8 biisiä paskaa. TÄTÄ ON ODOTETTU muutaman viime vitun vuoden ja aina joutunu pettymään. :D mutta nyt sitten VIHDOINKIN:


Machine Head, Stockholm, Sweden 30.1.2010

1. Clenching the Fists of Dissent
2. Imperium
3. Beautiful Mourning
4. Spine
5. The Blood, the Sweat, the Tears
6. Days Turn Blue To Gray
7. Slanderous
8. Aesthetics of Hate
9. Old
10. The Burning Red
11. Exhale The Vile
12. Bulldozer
13. Struck A Nerve
14. Halo
15. Davidian

UNORIGINALJESLuonut: UNORIGINALMaanantai 12.10.2009 12:02


ZenrichHatebreed!Luonut: ZenrichMaanantai 05.10.2009 14:37

|SamppuSonisphere <3<3<3<3Luonut: |SamppuSunnuntai 26.07.2009 04:06

Aaaah Oli Jotain Niin parasta <3 käteen sattu saxonin rumpalin (Nigel Glockler) kapula ja Machine Headin Biisilista ja pari plekuu Machine Headilt,Diablolt ja Metallicalt. Lamb Of God Oli mahtava paitti vähä rytisi pitissä mut sehä kuuluu asiaa ja Metallica oli siis niin <3 ainoo pettymys oli et ei Anthrax oli joutunu peruuttaa mut Turisas korvas hyvin :) ja se et mastodonii joutusin kattoo liian kaukaa ja linkin parkhan o iha kuraa kiitos pori ja sonisphere :)
Love for my love, hate for my hate
Strength for my strength, pain for my pain
Pride for my pride, match it inside
Trust that I find in you
But it's hard and it's brutal, it's nasty and rude and
It's dirty and mean when they treat you like yesterdays
They want to keep us all down town, frowned, and under
But no one is keeping me down
Fuck no

I'll keep my head high

Cause they will always kick you when you're down

Life for my life, soul for my soul
Truth for my truth and heart for my heart
Drive for my drive, match it inside
Fight for this fight and don't you ever never
Give up, give up - you gotta play like a master of chess
It's a long road and it's mental endurance stress test
Sometimes you fight and you win, sometimes you fight and
You lose
It's the fighter in you
Not to lose

So keep your head high

Cause they will always kick you when you're down

You have to trust in yourself
You must believe in yourself
You have to follow your heart
You overcome, improve, endure

Love for my love, hate for my hate
Strength for my strength, pain for my pain
Pride for my pride, match it inside
Keep up your drive and fight to fight
Because some shit ain't right
Don't lose our sight
Get our heads right
Shine our star too bright
Nothing in life is for sure
It's just a gamble
So play it for all that it's worth

And don't forget to keep our heads high

Cause they will always kick you when you're down
They will always kick you when you're down
And don't you let their kicking get you down

You have to trust in yourself
You must believe in yourself
You have to follow your heart
You overcome, improve, endure
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