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TurtzikVampiresLuonut: TurtzikMaanantai 04.04.2011 19:10

Brother, it don't matter
Sister, don't worry
Say what you like
I'll do what you want me to do
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too

Sun in the kitchen
Boy, you're still sleeping
When you get hungry
I'll do what you want me to do
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too

Night in the city
New Orleans pretty
Do what you want
and then can I do it to you?
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too

It's a reflex
Just a reflex
like fear or sex

Brother it don't matter
Sister don't worry
Say what you like
I'll do what you want me to do
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too
You're a vampire
I'm a vampire too

Brother, it don't matter
Sister, don't worry
Brother, it don't matter
Sister, don't worry
Brother, it don't matter
Sister, don't worry
Brother, it don't matter
Sister, don't worry

Pet Shop Boys - Vampires
"King's Cross"

The man at the back of the queue was sent
To feel the smack of firm government
Linger by the flyposter, for a fight
It's the same story every night
I've been hurt and we've been had
You leave home, and you don't go back

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee

Only last night I found myself lost
By the station called King's Cross
Dead and wounded on either side
You know it's only a matter of time
I've been good and I've been bad
I've been guilty of hanging around

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee

So I went looking out today
For the one who got away
Murder walking round the block
Ending up in King's Cross
Good luck, bad luck waiting in a line
It takes more than the matter of time

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee

Someone told me Monday, someone told me Saturday
Wait until tomorrow and there's still no way
Read it in a book or write it in a letter
Wake up in the morning and there's still no guarantee
And there's still no guarantee
There is still no guarantee

YolkowodkfpwLuonut: YolkoLauantai 10.04.2010 14:19

Edelleen ärsyttää kun voin nykyään laittaa mp3:seen musiikkia vain noin joka toinen viikonloppu (=when I'm at dad's place) mutta toisaalta näin harvemmin tehtynä se on yllättävän palkitsevaa. o.o Ja nyt tulee myös laitettua levyjä, joita en kotona pistäisi (thanks to dad's great CD collection). Ihanaa, nyt laitan Pet Shop Boysia.

Ja yeahh, tänään mahtavien ihmisten kanssa miitataan. o/ Can't wait.
Oh, I'm with stupid
Oh, I'm with stupid

See you on the TV, call you everyday
Fly across the ocean just to let you get your way
No one understands me, where I'm coming from
Why would I be with someone who's obviously so dumb?

Loves comes, love grows
Everytime you rise to meet me, take my hand to greet me
Loves comes, love grows
And power can give a man much more than anybody knows

Pet Shop Boys - I'm With Stupid


Is stupid really this stupid or a different kind of smart?
Do we really have a relationship so special in your heart?


Is stupid really this stupid or are you really smart?
That's how you stole my heart
I'm with stupid
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