

Käyntejä: 2 323 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
106 jäsentä
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25,4 vuotta
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

yawdregH/D ♥Luonut: yawdregLauantai 20.11.2010 05:07

aaaaaw kuolinko edes ♥

Oon ollu koko päivänkauttaillankauttayön iha hoodeehoodeehoodee ja nyt on kyl semmone fiilis et pakko kirjottaa jotai :3 tosta biisistä tulis ihan loistava songfic :3 iha täydellinen biisi, koska Harry ja Draco rakastaa toisiaan ja vihaa toisiaan eikä voi elää ilman toisiaan. :3

Saliva - Always
I hear, a voice say "Don't be so blind"
It's telling me all of these things
That you would probably hide!
Am I your one and only desire?
Am I the reason you breathe,
Or am I the reason you cry?

Always, always, always,
Always, always, always,
I just can't live without you!

I love you!
I hate you!
I can't get around you!
I breathe you,
I taste you!
I can't live without you!
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you!

(Done with you, done with you, done with you, done with you, done with you)

I feel, like you don't want me around
I guess I'll pack all my things
I guess I'll see you around
It's all, been bottled up till now
As I walk out your door
All I can hear is the sound!

Always, always, always,
Always, always, always
I just can't live without you!

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't get around you!
I breathe you,
I taste you,
I can't live without you!
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you.

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live without you.

I wrap my hand around your heart,
Why would you tear my world apart?

Always, always, always, always.

I see, the blood all over your hands
Does it make you feel, more like a man?
Was it all, just a part of your plan?
The pistols' shakin' in my hands
And all I hear is the sound!

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live around you!
I breathe you,
I taste you,
I can't live without you!
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you.

I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live without you!
I love you,
I hate you,
I can't live without you.
I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I pick myself off the floor,
And now I'm done with you.


_jannna[Ei aihetta]Luonut: _jannnaTiistai 08.07.2008 01:37

Look at me
My depth perception must be off again
'Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did
It has not healed with time...
It just shot down my spine.
You look so beautiful tonight
Remind me how you laid us down
And gently smiled
Before you destroyed my life.

Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces?
(Let me rest in pieces)
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces?
(Let me rest in pieces)

Look at me
My depth perception must be off again
You got much closer than I thought you did
I'm in your reach
You held me in your hands.

Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces?
(Let me rest in pieces)
Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces?
(Let me rest in pieces)
I heard you've been looking for me but you looked for trouble.
You're gonna see that your words are dangerous. Your talk is cheap.

So now I'm standin' here. Now I'm standin' here.

You tell yourself you know what to do and you realize that I am comin' for you then you'll change your mind and run like a child when...

You see me standin' here! Now I'm standin' here!

Don't question my heart! Don't question the fire that burns inside!
Don't question my heart! Don't question a heart prepare to fight!

I got where I am because I didn't chase fame. And I seen you before and you're all the same.

Just one more mouth talkin' words insane. Just one more mistake, with different names!

Don't question my heart! Don't question the fire that burns inside!
Don't question my heart! Don't question a heart prepare to fight!

I heard you're lookin' for me... I'm standin' here. Still standin' here.

I'm standin' here! Still standin' here!

Don't question my heart! Don't question the fire that burns inside!
Don't question my heart! Don't question a heart prepare to fight!
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »