

Käyntejä: 5 578 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
514 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 291 (57 %)
Poikia: 223 (43 %)
35,6 vuotta
Otos: 371 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 35,3 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 36,0 vuotta
Defoni, Tombah-, MTV-MindFuck

Jäsenet (514)

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Psychosociall[Ei aihetta]Luonut: PsychosociallPerjantai 15.02.2013 16:37

~ I wanted you to know
I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph
I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain ~

Sammi[Ei aihetta]Luonut: SammiTiistai 18.09.2012 18:59

^^miwaSeether @ Circus 9.11.2012Luonut: ^^miwaMaanantai 20.08.2012 16:48


Sinne siis sillon. Näillä näkymin yksin.
Day 01 - Your favorite song ( ~ at the moment )
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you can dance to
Day 08 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 09 - A song from your favorite band
Day 10 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 11 - A song that describes you
Day 12 - A song from your favorite album
Day 13 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re angry
Day 14 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re happy
Day 15 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re sad
Day 16 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 17 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 18 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 19 - A song that you hate
Day 20 - A song that you have liked for many years

Taas näitä et saa pyyhkiä vähän silmäkulmia. Koska eihän surullisena voi kuunnella mitään superpositiivista.

^^miwaperjantainaa ♥Luonut: ^^miwaKeskiviikko 22.02.2012 19:16




ostin tänää ja maanantaina nää


^^miwa:):))Luonut: ^^miwaPerjantai 11.11.2011 21:31





tän päivän ostokset ♥


Voittajafiilis, sain tilattua liput ihan itse ♥ Toivon ainoastaan, että ne myös tulee, ja että tein kaiken oikein :DD

Hähhähhää, jätkät yritti kovasti laittamalla Suomen keikkansa just sille päivälle millon meillä on abiristeily, mutta ei ne silti mua saa pidettyä poissa ♥ Hyvä yritys, dudet, mutta turhaa :)

Ölölölölölölööö olen täpinoissä moi.

^^miwaterveLuonut: ^^miwaKeskiviikko 21.09.2011 22:29

NastyYaffa[Ei aihetta]Luonut: NastyYaffaTorstai 20.08.2009 16:26

Seether - Remedy

Kuulin kappaleen ekaakertaa SummerSlam 2005 DVD:ssä vuonna 2005. Ja siitä heräsi kiinnostukseni.

Throw your dollar bills and leave your thrills all here with me
And speak but don't pretend I won't defend you anymore you see
It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for you
My eyes don't need to see that ugly thing, I know it's me you fear
If you want me hold me back

Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
And so we go back to the remedy
Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
And tell yourself, "you'll be the death of me"

I don't need a friend, I need to mend so far away
So come sit by the fire and play a while, but you can't stay too long
It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for pleasure
I see my heart explode, it's been eroded by the weather here
If you want me hold me back

Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
And so we go back to the remedy
Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"
Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
And so we go back to the remedy
Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

Hold your eyes closed, take me in
Hold your eyes closed, take me in
I wanted you to know that
I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away...
I keep your photograph and
I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

Cause im broken when im lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

You gone away, you don't feel me here, anymore

The worst is over now
And we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There's so much left to learn
And no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away...

Cause I'm Broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone...
You gone away, you don't feel me here anymore
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