

Käyntejä: 2 468 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
87 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 49 (57 %)
Poikia: 38 (43 %)
30,8 vuotta
Otos: 49 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 28,7 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 33,0 vuotta

Jäsenet (87)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
Say, "I don't mind you under my skin.
I'll let the bad parts in, the bad parts in"
Well when we were made we were set apart
But life is a test and I get bad marks

I fell asleep in the alkaline
(I've been on pause, but I'm shaking off the rust)
I can't shake this tiny feeling
(I've lost my charge, I've been degaussed)
I'll never say anything right
Yötä. netti oli poissa käytöstä muutamia päiviä, mutta nyt oon back. Oon kattonu leffoja ja lukenu. kävin kattomassa Harry Potter 6:n ja Ice Age 3:n ja sit oon kattonu kotona... Fridan (se oli hyvä), Francesin (en jaksanu kattoo loppuun -.-') ja Nico and Danin. Varmaan joitain muitakin. Alotin myös lukemaan uudestaan Potter kutosta, koska leffassa huomasin, etten muista siitä paljoo mitään. Ei nyt tuu mitään järkevää mieleen. Johtunee ajankohdasta. Niin varmaan. Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't on toosi hyvä kappale. Kuuntelen sitä. The kind of song that makes people glad to be where they are with who evere they're there with. Oon kuunnellu enimmäkseen Placeboo. Olispa kaikki helpompaa. Ontto olo. Ehkäpä nukkumaan. En kuitenkaan saa unta pariin tuntiin... No ei se oo mikään tekosyy (onhan se), sitä suuremmalla syyllä pitäis mennä. Huomenna laitan ehkä jonkun uuden kuvan, leikkasin hiuksii. Nää on ihan kivat mut hankalat. Suorat hiukset olis kivat. Tai edes laineikkaat. Välillä tekis mieli vaan vetää siiliks. Mut sit kun ne kasvais takasin niin se vasta olis ärsyttävää, suoristaa parin sentin sänkee. Ei. Arh, tää hiiren oikeenpuoleinen nappi temppuilee. Xena on kova jätkä. Yanda on turha jätkä. Yotsuba& on ihana.

I'm heaven sent,
don't you dare forget
I am all you've ever wanted,
what all the other boys all promised
Sorry I told
I just needed you to know

I think in decimals and dollars
I am the cause to all your problems
Shelter from cold
We are never alone
Coordinate brain and mouth
Then ask me what it's like to have myself so figured out
I wish I knew

I hope this songs starts a craze,
the kind of song that ignites the airways
The kind of song that makes people glad to be where they are
with who ever they're there with
This is war
Every line is about who I don't write about anymore
Hope you come down with something they can't diagnose,
don't have the cure for
Holding on to your grudge
Oh it's so hard to have someone to love
Keeping quiet is hard
'Cause you can't keep a secret if it never was a secret to start
At least pretend you didn't wanna get caught

We're consentratin' on fallin' apart
We were contenders, now throwin' the fight
I just wanna believe, I just wanna believe, I just wanna believe in us

Oh we're so c-c-c-c-c-controversial
We are entirely smooth
We fit to the truth
We are the best at what we do
And these are the words you wish you wrote down
This is the way you wish your voice sounds,
handsome and smart
Oh, my tongue's the only muscle on my body that works harder than my heart
And it's all from watching TV
and from speeding up my breathing
Wouldn't stop if I could
Oh it hurts to be this good
You're holding on to your grudge
Oh it hurts to always have to be honest with the one that you love
Oh so let it go

We're consentratin' on fallin' apart
We were contenders, now throwin' the fight
I just wanna believe, I just wanna believe, I just wanna believe in us

We're consentratin' on fallin' apart
We were contenders, now throwin' the fight
I just wanna believe, I just wanna believe, I just wanna believe in us

This is the craze only we can bestow
This is the price you pay for loss of control
This is the break in the ground
This is the closest of calls
This is the reason you're alone, this is the reason you fall!

We're consentratin' on fallin' apart
We were contenders, now throwin' the fight
I just wanna believe, I just wanna believe, I just wanna believe...

We're consentratin' on fallin' apart
We were contenders, now throwin' the fight
I just wanna believe, I just wanna believe, I just wanna believe in us
« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »