

Käyntejä: 2 036 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
26 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 24 (93 %)
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22,3 vuotta
Otos: 19 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 22,4 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 21,4 vuotta

Jäsenet (26)

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kuubiGood Charlotte <3Luonut: kuubiLauantai 24.07.2010 06:24

En osannut kuvitellakkaa että olin nuin huippua iik!! Ihkutan ku joku pikku teini, mutta ei voi mittää oli niin huippua ettei mitään järkee. Nimmarit ja kaikki!<3 Eikä keikan jälkeen ollut ku vähän vaan jalat kipeenä, ei tarvinut jonottaessakaa seistä kauheesti vaan sai rauhassa tehä mitä halusi, käyä vaikka kampissa bongailee Benjia ja Joelia! 12 tunnin jonotuski meni silmän räpäyksessä. Voi vitsi voisin palata siihen päivään vaikka joka päivä!

Don't really care about the things that they say!


msbooberry<3Luonut: msbooberryKeskiviikko 18.11.2009 19:51

msbooberry[Ei aihetta]Luonut: msbooberryTiistai 29.09.2009 12:47

" "What happens in Vegas gets treated with antibiotics" should be the slogan by the looks of some of these people. im funny. sometimes. "

aagh just plz go to the studio and make and give me the record, okay?

msbooberry<3 Luonut: msbooberrySunnuntai 21.06.2009 15:09

A lot has changed for Joel and Benji Madden since they started playing music back in 1996, but with their fifth album due this summer, the twins have been trying to get back to the good old days. "We started our band in a garage when we were 15," Benji said. "Good Charlotte's the first band we've ever been in, and back then, critics didn't matter. There were no rules. There was no one we had to impress. Now we're just kind of like — we want to get back to that place where it's just like, 'I like that because I like it. I just love music because it's fun.'

The new album, which will feature love ballads and deep lyrics, is appropriately titled Cardiology, which, Joel explained, "Is the branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the heart. So when you think about it — is there any real medicine when it comes to dealing with any feelings of the heart, whether it's love or hate or anger? Is there really any medicine for that? There really is nothing you can do for the conditions of the heart."

And while they might be "digging deep on the lyrics," don't expect Good Charlotte to get too soft. While Cardiology reflects their present lives, the brothers say it sounds a lot like breakthrough album The Young and the Hopeless, with straightforward music, big hooks and a lot of harmonies.

They have written about 40 songs for the album, all of which could appear on the final version, but they already have their favorites picked out: "Sex on the Radio," a rock song that tries to capture the essence of a woman's voice on the radio, and "Love Ain't Easy," which Benji says reminds him of the title track from the movie "That Thing You Do!"

Cardiology is expected to drop this summer, but in the meantime, Benji has been posting a series of acoustic covers of his favorite songs on the Good Charlotte site.

msbooberry[Ei aihetta]Luonut: msbooberrySunnuntai 01.03.2009 21:36


haidhisnfosmfpoampow m,owffm



msbooberry[Ei aihetta]Luonut: msbooberryTorstai 20.11.2008 21:22

aaaaaaaaa congrats benj
and next time you start datin'
find a girl who's not a slut

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