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eatmycoeurnyt tuli itku stna.Luonut: eatmycoeurTorstai 08.04.2010 10:22


EI !

Ette saa !


En kestä ilman Tohoshinkiä !

ässä-ämmät vois painua sinne kukkakedolle homopanemaan.

After the after glow sets,
I'm going towards you,
Following the lights which turn on one by one

I'll embrace you,
Before the cold wind makes your shoulders flinch

I love you,
The foolish you,
You're so precious to me

As much as the sun that rises above you,
I'll keep you safe as much as you've waited for me, with this glaring heart,
All the dreams I've prayed for,
They're going towards you with my sincere scent

I hope that my wishes of smiling next to you every new morning,
Will be able to come true

I'll wait for you,
I'll never let go of your hands,
Even if it's only tears,
I'll wipe them away for you

Although we are not able to see the end,
No matter how bumpy our road is,
I'll promise you, please be mine

As much as the sun that rises above you,
I'll keep you safe as much as you've waited for me, with this glaring heart,
All the dreams I've prayed for,
They're going towards you with my sincere scent,
More than the air I breathe,

'I love you' 'You're the only one',
I want to yell those words out into the sky
I love you, my heart which feels like bursting is calling out to you

No matter how many times they find us,
No matter if we can't breathe,

Like those invisible flower-like smiles,
Which shine just like the stars,
I'll keep you safe beautifully

As much as the sun that rises above you,
I'll keep you safe as much as you've waited for me, with this glaring heart,
I love you, I love you,
You're the most beautiful in this world,
This dream-like heart,
More than the air I breathe...

Oli ihan pakko pistää tää tänne kun oon niin ihastunu tähän biisiin ='3

JejungiMerry Christmas~!!Luonut: JejungiTorstai 24.12.2009 01:27

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Happy Christmas, TVXQ~!
메리 크리스마스, 동방신기 ~!
No words are necessary
It's good if you just stay by my side
Love is shouting out
I want us to hold each other
There are very strong feelings that could stop even time
I love you from deep inside of my heart
We don't stop
We can't stop
Our feelings
Where do we go?
When we realized it,
We are already in love with each other
We can't turn back now
In this blue sky
There are no boundaries
If you know that
Come to me
No words are necessary
It's good if you just stay by my side
Love is shouting out 
I want us to hold each other
There are very strong feelings that could stop even time
I love you from the deep inside of my heart

I love you from the deep inside of my heart
I don't have reasons
I don't have goals
The way we take our steps is
The way we are
When we don't understand feelings of each other
Lets hold hand
I will never let you go

The season for us to be called lovers is here already
So reach your hand towards me
No words are necessary
I just want to feel your warmth
Love is burning
I want to become one with you
Wow wow
If we touch each other we will know
The hot feeling
I love you to the extent that I could melt away
I love you from the deep inside of my heart
I love you to the extent that I could melt away
No words are needed
I will continue to protect you
No words are necessary

I will become your comfort
No words are necessary
I will make you smile and satisfy you
No words are necessary
I will love you
I will always
No words are necessary
Wow wow wow wow
Its good if you just stay by my side
Love is shouting out
I want us to hold each other
Yey yeh yey yeh
There are very strong feelings that could stop even time
I love you from the deep inside of my heart
No words are necessary
I just want to feel your warmth
Love is burning
No words are necessary
It's good if you just stay by my side
I love you to the extent that I could melt away

JJ: Why did I fall in love with you?
No matter how much time passed by
I thought you'd still be right here

YC: But you ended up choosing a different path

JJ: Why couldn't I reach through to you?
The feelings grow stronger everyday
These overflowing words, even though understood...

YH: ...will never reach you again

JS: Since the first day I met you,
I felt like I already knew you
We melted into each other so naturally

CM: No matter where we went, we were together
You would always be there
We've grown up together

YC: But you ended up choosing a different path

JS: Why did I fall in love with you?
No matter how much time passed by
I thought you'd still be right here

YC: We can no longer go back

YH: This day, which holds a special meaning
Today, you stood there with a happy expression
You looked so beautiful, praying to God

YC: Standing next to someone who's not me
And recieving your blessings
How am I supposed to let go of that?

JJ: So, why did I fall in love with you?
What we did during those days...

YC: I can't return to them any longer
JJ: I've thought it over and over...
YC: (can't return to them any longer)
JJ: I've thought it over and over...

All: Why couldn't I hold on to your hand?
No matter how much time passed by

CM: I thought you'd always be by my side
YH: Just like how it used to be

JS: But, even though you're no longer next to me
I'll pray that you'll be happy for eternity

JJ: No matter how lonely that would make me feel...
JS: (How lonely that would make me feel...)

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