

Käyntejä: 1 905 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
17 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 16 (95 %)
Poikia: 1 (5 %)
30,1 vuotta
Otos: 10 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 30,4 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 26,9 vuotta

Jäsenet (17)

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

SarahnamEi luoja :'DLuonut: SarahnamTorstai 28.11.2013 03:10

Mahtavaa, kunnon pokerinaamoja noi tyypit

Tässä vielä tämä aika outo originaali video

hullisgreat dialog is great :) ...Luonut: hullisPerjantai 05.06.2009 21:12

Hauska leffa, loistavaa dialogia:D

- Man, I'm just into Buddhism, and I'm at peace with the fact that me, as this person, probably gonna not be around. Think about a hermit crab, okay? And it's a shell. It's like, they go from one shell to the next. And that's what I am. I'm just a hermit crab changin' shells.
Dale Denton:
- Except if you're a dick your whole life, your next shell will be made of shit, okay? If you're an asshole, you're gonna come back as a cockroach or a worm or a fuckin' anal bead, okay? If you're a man and you act heroic, you'll come back as an eagle. You'll come back as a dragon. You'll come back as Jude Law, okay? Which would you rather be?
- Maybe the anal bead, depending on who it belongs to.
Dale Denton:
- Belongs to me.
- Then the dragon.

- I'm trying to decide how stoned I am and just how on the verge of death am I right now. Like, am I seeing shit because I'm stoned or because I have no blood left in my body.

[Red regains consciousness after shortly passing out from his wounds]
- I'm like the nerd at the sleepover who fell asleep at nine.

Dale Denton:
- It's okay. We won't put our dicks in your mouth.

Dale Denton:
- What the fuck is this thing?
- Ah. Cross joint.
Dale Denton:
- Yeah.
- You ever smoke one of those?
Dale Denton:
- You can SMOKE this?
- Hell yeah, man!
Dale Denton:
- No.
- This. Is. The future, this is like the apex of the vortex of joint engineering. It's rumored that M. M. O'Shaughnessy designed the first one - the guy who, uh, designed the Golden Gate Bridge. My second favorite civil engineer behind Hannskarl Bandel: Madison Square Garden... What you do is you light all three ends at the same time...
Dale Denton:
- Really?
- and then the smoke converges, creating a TRIFECTA of joint-smoking power. This is it, man. This is what your grandchildren are gonna be smoking. Future. That - future...
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