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han-suu[Ei aihetta]Luonut: han-suuMaanantai 21.12.2009 03:58

just jack - Writer's block

“I must have got up about twenty to seven, had a shower, and had breakfast, and er, had a couple of pieces of toast, you know, forced it down, then had a cup of coffee, it was pouring with rain and I thought oh God, you know, good old England.”

I get this writer's block; it comes as quite a shock
And now I'm stuck between a hard place and the biggest rock
In my own head consume, I sit back in my room
It's like the tapestries of life get tangled in the loom
I'm like a butterfly, caught in a hurricane
My pulse is quickening as my heart plays a new refrain

I'm lovin' Mary Jane, flyin' with Lois Lane,
On board a bullet train
Don't know yet if I'm glad I came
Don't know yet if I'm glad I came
“Obviously this helped me I think.”
Don't know yet if I'm glad I came
Don't know yet if I'm glad I came
“I always hoped that it would happen but I never though it really would.”

Sometimes at night I think too much,
About life and love and music and stuff
“I must have, kind of felt that my head was too high.”

I'm livin' in the past
My clock is an hour fast
Should really go and make a coffee but I can't be arsed
I've lost my mobile phone
You'll have to call my home
On second thoughts just leave a message when you hear the tone
My grimy windows show, the early morning glow
Another day, another dollar in my one man show

I fell out with Mary Jane, I don't speak to Lois Lane and I missed that bullet train
But now I know I'm glad I -
Fell out with Mary Jane, I don't speak to Lois Lane and I missed that bullet train
But now I know I'm glad I -
Fell out with Mary Jane, I don't speak to Lois Lane and I missed that bullet train
But now I know I'm glad I -
Fell out with Mary Jane, I don't speak to Lois Lane and I missed that bullet train
But now I know I'm glad I came
But now I know I'm glad I came
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