


What if the last sound is the very best sound?

Elisa - Hikari <3Lauantai 27.03.2010 13:30

The light that makes a journey to find love
Continues to chase after the future captured in my heart
If you open the hesitating door
You can walk into a new tomorrow

Painful memories
Sink deeply in the depths of my heart
The pain of loneliness
That no one else knows

Why do I always
Lose the most precious things?
The neverending rain
Sings of sadness again

Ah, without anyone noticing
I wander aimlessly in this town
Hey, even though
The truth can't be seen
You should believe in the path within yourself, it's there

The light that makes a journey to find love
Continues to chase after the future captured in my heart
If you open the hesitating door
You can fly into a new tomorrow

A teardrop floats through the wind
The flowing clouds and the blue skies beyond my reaches
I look up, alone, and take a vow quietly
That I will live embracing the neverending dream

The light that connects the faraway wish
It will surely bring hope and courage
Instead of counting the time that has passed
Let's make most of our time now

If your wish isn't granted and you are hurt
You just need to start over again from there, again and again
That's right, there isn't just one answer
You'll find happiness one day

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