


R♥ Love u always&forever

Prayer !♥Torstai 12.03.2009 00:19

Angels east
Angels west, north & south
Just do your best
Do God your wash
& wash your rest


Faith With God by You♥Perjantai 06.03.2009 21:33

Your faith is strong when you feel God’s presence
Your faith is strong when He calls for you.
When your faith is strong for God you feel nothing can touch you.
Faith is when we feel that God is near us no matter what happens.

Faith is near, you just have to grab it.
So have faith!
When you have faith God is with you, and holding you.
So hold onto the faith you have.

FORGIVING♥Perjantai 06.03.2009 21:16

How can we forgive a person we hate?
When they lie and cheat for their own sake.
Never stopping for a moment or two.
To see the sorrow they brought to you.
Just remember our Savior who came.
And He died on the cross oh what a shame.
and the ones that nailed Him to that cross.
the ones that we know that are to blame.
And Jesus Christ He knew everyone.
But Yet Jesus said, "Forgive them Father for they know not what they have done."
But our great and loving Father He knew.
For Jesus was sent to die for me and for you.
And when those nails were driven in.
Only Our Master would know in the end.
For God sent His only begotten son.
To die on that cross for all the LOST ONES.
So now do you think it's so hard to FORGIVE?
Could you sacrifice your ONLY child so others could live?
so with every breath you take, just remember
it is easier to LOVE than it is to HATE!

Finnkino reissu !!Perjantai 23.01.2009 00:58

Minna oot mun finnkino systa♥ hah voi että niitä aikoja ;D molemmat ihan fiilareis siel jossai vaa ! :P♥

With Minna♥Maanantai 08.12.2008 00:04

Oltiin Minnan kans stadis perjantain ..

aateltiin polttaa röökii yhes paikas , juteltiin vaa kaikkee ja sillee..
sit yhtäkkii joku fuckin' kebabbi vaa jtn läväytti puhelimeen et :
"halo, halo ma friend" xD DAAMMNN !! revettiin Minnankaa oikee kunnoll !!
sen puhe aksentti oli iha vitun läppä ! xD ku se lausu ton jutun !! xD

& muutenki ihan jees pvä.. Thanks 2 u Minna ;D♥

Joku kerta uuestaa !! ;D♥

Tupakalla !!Sunnuntai 05.10.2008 07:54

Mä: Hyi Vittu tän tupakan jälki maku on paskaa !!
Kunttis: Hä!? Ai sanoit sä et ton tupakan jälkeen tuut raskaaks?
Mä: En, ku et tän tupakan jälki maku on paskaa !! No vähän pakko mun on tulla tost tupakast raskaaks, ku nussin tätä tupakkaa !! xDD
Kunttis: Ei Vittu !! xD
Reps* X'DD

DAAMN !! Fun With this Girl :P

Art !Torstai 25.09.2008 14:04

Damn I mean that's tight thoe ! ;D

xDTorstai 25.09.2008 13:11

Fl4me: Damn his hair so tight ..
Mä: vittu lol ! reps*
Fl4me: reps *

Vittu et oli läppä sanonta!