


He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood he's the one that makes ya feel alright

Hyomentha!Torstai 21.09.2006 10:37

Heräsin aamu klo 6 ja enpä enää unta saanut jotenka tässä nyt kukkuilen. Voisi lämmittää kupillisen kuumaa kaakaota ja alkaa taas väsäämään piirustusten parissa. ^-^ nilkka paskana jotenka ei voi mennä aamulenkillekkää koissun kans, voi HÖH. :/ :D
Life is Gay.
Eli siis winamp shufflelle ja Go!

Mitä äitini minusta ajattelee?
Laulu: The Itch
Artisti: Katatonia
Kommenttisi: Pitäs vissii muuttaa kotoa veke? :D

Onko elämäni kulkemassa oikeaan suuntaan?
Laulu: Many Miles
Artisti: Bella Morte
Kommenttisi: njahas, kai täs on viel polkua tallattavana. :P

Mikä auttaisi rahaongelmiini?
Laulu: Evil In The Closet
Artisti: In Flames
Kommenttisi: niinkö? ihanko tosi? :D

Mistä muut ihmiset kadehtii mua?
Laulu: Hours Passed In Exile
Artisti: Dark Tranquillity
Kommenttisi: joooo no siinä selvä syy? :P

Mikä auttaa tylsyyteen?
Laulu: Memories
Artisti: Within Temptation
Kommenttisi: Nii että alkas tässä muisteleen kultaisia lapsuusmuistoja vai? :D

Mitä piirrettä en ole itsessäni vielä tiedostanut?
Laulu: Goat
Artisti: Strapping Young Lad
Kommenttisi: Mitä vit..???? :DD olen siis kaappivuohi. ^^ tiedoksi kaikille.

Millaiseksi muutun, kun vanhenen?
Laulu: Dead Alone
Artisti: In Flames
Kommenttisi: Vaikuttaa lupaavalta? :D

Kehen/Mihin ihastun seuraavaksi?
Laulu: Black Widow
Artisti: cob
Kommenttisi: no tuohan nyt olikin odotettavissa :D

Elämän tarkoitus?
Laulu: Violence
Esittäjä: Anathema
Kommenttisi: No sehän se. :D kaikki paskaks vaan.

Mitäs tän jälkeen kannattais tehdä?
Laulu: Increase
Artisti: Katatonia
Kommenttisi: Lisääntyä. no selvähän se. :D

Kuinka muu maailma sinut näkee?
Laulu: However You Look At It You Loose
Artisti: Tiamat
Kommenttisi: no niin. hyvä tuokin tietää. :P

Onko elämäsi onnellinen?
Laulu: Living Dead
Artisti: Bella Morte
Kommenttisi: eiköhän se ole? :D

Mitä ystäväsi oikeasti ajattelevat sinusta?
Laulu: Forsaken
Artisti: Within Temptation
Kommenttisi: ;____; no nyt tuli itku.

Himoitseeko ihmiset minua salaa?
Laulu: Beautiful Dirt
Artisti: Dir En Grey
Kommettisi: ilmiselvästi :D

Kuinka teen itsestäni onnellisen?
Laulu: Begin And End
Artisti: Theatre Of Tragedy
Kommenttisi: aivann, pitää osata lopettaa minkä on alottanu? :O :D

Mitä teen elämälläni?
Laulu: Let The Killing Begin
Artisti: Arch Enemy
Kommenttisi: Musta tulee osama pin laadeni !! 8D

Kuinka voisin lisätä nautintoani seksin aikana?
Laulu: Worry About You
Artisti: Ivy
Kommenttisi: Niin että vitut minusta mut murehin vain miten toinen pärjää? :D

Saanko ikinä lapsia?
Laulu: From Mars
Artisti: Gojira
Kommenttisi: niin että terveisiä ulkoavaruudesta? ^^

Mikä olisi hyvä neuvo minulle?
Laulu: Not Built To Last
Artisti: Dark Tranquillity
Kommenttisi: ;OO Omgi.

Mitä on onnellisuus?
Laulu: Superhero Of The Computer Rage
Artisti: In Flames
Kommenttisi: sehän se, olenkin aina miettinyt tuota mutta nytpä selvisi sekin :D

Mikä on lempifetissini?
Laulu: Kuolemassa on kituvan kiitos
Artisti: Ajattara
kommenttisi: pitäskö tästä päätellä jotain? :DD

Kuinka minut muistetaan?
Laulu: The Innocece Spilled
Artisti: As I Lay Dying
Kommenttisi: viattomuus? mikä viattomuus? miten se tähän liittyy? ;O :DD

vittu?Perjantai 08.09.2006 01:40

Hirvee flunssa ja dedä dukossa ja henki ei kulje ja pää täynnä räkää ja joka paikka on kipiä ja kuumetta jaja voi silli. mitään ei jaksa. takasin makaamaan vain ja miljoona peittoa päälle. ;| nöf<3

Minä, lepäämään --->

Ja hyvää yötä kaikki ihmiset ja siniset pikku otukset. :)

kotonapa viimeinkin..Torstai 07.09.2006 19:57

Ja kyllähän oli kannattava reissu. :) <33 ja kaikkihan tuntenevat kyseisen kappaleen:

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you
And I'd never dreamed that I'd need somebody like you

No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is always gonna break your heart)
No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is always gonna break your heart)
With you

What a wicked game to play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say
You never felt this way
What a wicked thing you do
To make me dream of you

No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is always gonna break your heart)
No I don't wanna fall in love
(this world is always gonna break your heart)
With you

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire will make foolish people do
No and I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you
I'll never dream that I lose somebody like you, no

Now I wanna fall in love
(this world is always gonna brake your heart)
Now I wanna fall in lust
(this world is always gonna brake your heart)
With you

And nobody loves no one

Jag ska tsempade!Torstai 31.08.2006 03:52

Krhm.. eivät asiat ole niin huonosti miltä ne näyttävät... vaan paljon huonommin ^^

*badapum, ksssh!*

tsssh. ja nytten nukkumaan jotta jaksaa aamulla pompata aikaisin ylös ja junaan, kohti etelää, whee. :) see ya all in hell(sinki)<3

Don't Say A WordTorstai 24.08.2006 19:59

Vain niin kuolematon kappale että oli pakko laittaa tänne..<3

I am your poison candygram,
the love that's meant to fade away
Vade retro, alter ego, move aside, I'm choking on this life
I think I tolerate your hate, as long as you're afraid
All I wanted was to be with you and suffer every day...

Under the moon I hold a wake for a promise torn
Mortally wounded, feelings sheltered me
Once again my shadow will enter your life
Time to walk with me the last mile...

I read a book about a man, a love, a woman, how they died
How I was waved aside, listen how the headless doves cry
I truly see a madman in the mirror when I'm weak
I spent a year in love before I realized it's me

Open your blue eyes, tell me that you love me, whore
Make me believe it, oh I know you're lying
Broke the vow I thought you made, my angel, why...
Could I let you wait out the night?

Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... don't say a word

It won't be long now, love, like mist I slowly fill the room
I place a black candle on your chest,
The path of night is manifest
I never wanted us to end up in this catatonic phase
It wasn't me who ran away, you made me stray...

Open your blue eyes, tell me that you love me, whore
Make me believe it, oh I know you lie
Broke the vow I thought you made, my angel, why...
Settling the score, we pass the twilight...

Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... don't say a word

Strawberry blonde, your stranglehold
on my heart is bound to end
I suppose, life sometimes,
it doesn't go the way it was meant
Though you never were a believer,
I assure you: I won't die before you
You read the book now,
The part "ashes to ashes, dust to dust"

Short is the flight of this little starling
Love sounds familiar, but the emotion escapes me
I will carpe the diem while it's still here,
And see how the fear of death becomes her

We had it all so sweet
Made for me, you, indeed...
Big secret, small the lie
Don't cry for me, oh, argentite

No word you say tonight
Can make this be alright
I'll help you follow through
Remember this?: Pacta sunt servanda

... The wounds are too deep,
I need to keep the scars
To prove there was a time
When I loved something more than life

Unlike the last time here,
I now have the means and a will sincere
Your knight is nowhere near
Unfortunate for you, this makes me your God...

Closing your eyes, don't ever say you love me, whore
You never meant a word, I know you lied
When there is life, there is despair, indulge me now
And stay alive this night... I promise you the end before the first light arrives...

Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... don't say...

Mother always said "my son, do the noble thing..."
You have to finish what you started, no matter what,
Now, sit, watch and learn...
"It's not how long you live, but what your morals say"
Cannot keep your part of the deal
So don't say a word... Don't Say A Word!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 23.08.2006 14:55

This day travels within dense mist and
woke this clearer sight as the birth of the
night were seen... though my mind wandered
like a stream beside, carressing a sigh...
fading afar... closing me in, to astray. Still
motionless I am, I carry the seeds of
horror inside me. This pain... grows in me
and try to reach the other side... infinity of
dreams... and they all - each side in me - are
listening myself and my mind blacken...
fading like that gone sigh... and I fall...
down into the stream...
and emptiness falls before me...
And silence this life,
every word is whispered through me
and all emotions will cry,
leaving me still alone.
Every moment still awaits,
for nothing
it brings for me.
Everythings is entwined in misery.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 21.08.2006 20:04

We were one in words
You finished my sentence
I could never attract tomorrow
It pushes me aside

I sink in waters deep
Your presence kept me floating far from depths where secrets lie
Maybe in another life time I can be the first you meet

I once read a poem
Held my breath but that moments gone
First time I felt life somewhat hurt
I need an option, a reason, and some hope

Yell at me I want to be, your light that shines
But my ground is shaking and I might fall
I wish that I could say, I wish that I could be your evil in a closet

Yell at me I want to be, your light that shines
But my ground is shaking and I might fall
I wish that I could say, I wish that I could be your evil in a closet

....Maanantai 21.08.2006 16:20

Cold and lonely, all by myself
The winter caresses my soul
Freezing, the dark is calling me
Makes me dream of...dream of you

Stolen from life within
You will find something on your own
Falling inside my dream
Makes me dream of...dream of you

Can toy feel the magic in my soul
This neon ocean flowing through my heart
So if you can hear me let me know
'Cause I can show you oceans that you need
The oceans that you need

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 21.08.2006 01:07

My prospects have become less promising
I find it hard to believe in anything
Seems I lost my world and so I lost my faith
And I can't go back to where I've been

A brand new day
It can't get worse
Hear myself say
It can't get worse

I have no lies or truth in what I say
There is no meaning
The words are numb and I am so afraid
There is no meaning

This is another chance or so I'm told
By these who can push themselves at any cost
They bless me with their fingers crossed
My youth is stolen, transformed and sold