Tässä kuinka se toimii:
Avaa musiikkikirjastosi (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, yms).
Laita se sekoitukselle ( Shuffle)
Paina Play.
Jokaiseen kysymykseen vastaa biisi joka soi.
Kun olet valmis siirry seuraavan kysymykseen ja klikkaa seuraava
ALKUMUSIIKKI: The good, the bad and the ugly
HERÄÄMINEN: Wolfmother - Woman
"She's a woman, you know what I mean"
RAKASTUMINEN: 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
"I'll keep you by my side with my Superhuman might"
TAISTELU: Bass 'n Helen - Varjojen maa
"Kulje mun kanssani Läpi pimeän kaupungin
Kunnes valossa hehkuu maa Yön pimeyden karkoittaa"
RIITAANTUMINEN: Guns n Roses - Don't Cry
"Don't hang your head in sorrow And please dont cry"
SOVINTO: Deep Purple - When a Blind man cries
"If youre leaving close the door. Im not expecting people anymore.
Hear me grieving, Im lying on the floor."
SALAINEN RAKKAUS: Kiss - I was made for lovin' you
"I was made for lovin you baby You were made for lovin me"
ELÄMÄ ON OKEI: The Animals - House of the rising sun
"There is a house in New Orleans They call the Rising Sun"
PETTYMYS: Eagle eye Cherry - Are you still having fun
"After all is said and done Are you still having fun?"
AJAMINEN: Suburban tribe - While the world awaits
"Dreams are crushed down while the world awaits"
MUISTOT: Saliva - Rest in Pieces
"Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did, It has not healed with time
It just shot down my spine"
"Those bullets rip the sky Of ink with gold
They twinkle as the boys play rock and roll"
UNOHTAMINEN: 3 Doors down - When I'm gone
"You won't always be there, So love me when I'm gone"
"ja kun kuu ja aurinko ovat yhdessä taivaalla
minä kerään kaiken pihalle esiin ja poltan"
VIIMEINEN TAISTELU: Entwine - Tears are falling
"You look at me with your eyes in tears
And then it's raining, feels like it's raining"
"I hurt myself today to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain the only thing that's real"
LOPPUTEKSTIT: Sentenced - End of the Road
"We're coming to the end of our road, Sorrowful yet glorious somehow
To be humming this one last ode"
Voisi kai se mun elämä olla tällainenkin ^^