Ocean & Hope
Ocean is peaceful
ocean is beautiful
ocean tells the words meant for you.
Never ending the waves shall move.
they'll just continue eternity,
like my Hope will too.
Ocean is seen in many places.
The eyes of your loved one,in your mind
when you want to think of something peaceful
you'll see the waves,blue water and just small sound of it moving..
Just close your eyes and feel the flow.
It's almost like you could feel your soul,
if it's pure it's calm like ocean..
If it's dark it's black as storm.
If you have kept on believing in hope,
it's pure.
Since hope is something,
that nurture your away darkness and pain.
End the game of
Sorrow,Make you feel full
not hollow.
Ocean is everywhere,
Here and there.
Even when you're alone there
is ocean,that'll calm your mind.
It's like everyones sign,that everything will be.
Dedicated to hope
Hope is there even when you feel like it's nowhere
you feel like empty shell
but then you just start creating your own hell
If you believe you will see the light
and it will have that much might
that everything will sort out
that everything will turn around
and you can breathe at ease
you have gotten your peace
now you just have to keep it
the smile on your face
never losing faith
but don't be a saint
just live your life to the fullest
enjoy every single happy thing
and never be afraid
because there's always light where there is darkness
and you can reach that light,if you put your mind and soul into it
and strike the darkness with your holy might
be happy until your time is over,with hope you will always have power.
love poem
Searching for love
Searching for happiness
Searching for someone to be with when things go wrong
I search every day
like a needle in hay
the one right for me
to end this misery
to bring me back from darkness
wipe my tears
stays near me and comforts me
no matter what happens
no matter what we'll face
i will always have the ace up in my sleeve
that's our bond
which cannot be broken
even when hope seems to be lost..
You'll still be my most precious thing in the world
You'll keep me running until i reach the light
And live again..
Kynttilään valoon katson vaan,rakkautta odottaa saan.Kynttilä niin kaunis on,mutta liekki katoaa jos se ei ruokaa saa.. aivan niin kuin rakkauskin </3 :)
Pilviharso yössä,alla tähtien. Peittää niiden kauneuden.Valon niiden kadottaa,kuka merimiehen pelastaa,Kotisatamaan palauttaa..?
I dream about you every day,to my arms you can lay.Your smile is my sun your eyes are my moon,that's why i can only say : i love you
beautiful as butterfly,no matter will i live or die,if i can just see you smile.I love you more than anything because you make me complete,you make me feel safe near you.I want to protect you too,hope i'll see you again soon.I miss you much,Please don't do me seint fleur : glutch!Even if you say you're not beautiful,to me your bag Full of jewel.Please stay next to me until the end.To you i want my protection to lend (seint fleur liittyy yhteen anime sarjaan)
When spring wind blows,you can hear oceans howls.Ice is almost gone,sailors start to miss their dear home.They haven't seen it for so long,their sea blood grows stronger,mourns and howls.Sea is beautiful,wonderful,but don't be blind or it takes your life.Storms are fierce and sea is mystical.What lies in the depths of it?Nobody knows..
Sade ilmalla tunnilla
Luokassa istumme opiskellen kieltämme
sade pauhaa surullisena,se itkee kaikkialla kaupungissamme taukoamatta,kuin pyyhkiäkseen maan pahuudestaan.Tuuli ulvoo sen seurana,ystävänsä lohtuna,ne johtavat taivaallista kuoroa jatkaen vain aina voimakkaampana,pilvet tuovat pimeyden.Harvat ymmärtävät tällaisen ilman kauneuden,äänet noiden surullisten sointujen.Ilma tuo kylmyyttä ja pimeyttä päiväämme,se hermostuttaa ja ahdistaa meitä faktalla:Maailma on kamala.Pahuus edelleen pysyy maailmassamme,sade ilmat siitä muistinamme.Onneksi jokaisella pilvellä on hopea reunus ja se päästää takaisin auringon ja ilon sydämmiimme,se saa pahuuden taas unholaan.Tämä kierto käy aina uudestaan.Toivottavasti saamme autettua maailmamme pimeyttä.Jotta huominenkin voisi olla rauhallinen
runo monikalle kerran ku oli paha ikävä ^^
katson koko ajan kuviasi,unelmoin sylistäsi.Tahdon olla vierelläsi,sammuttaa ikäväni ja lempiä sinua aamuun.Olen kuin ahdistettu eläin,en hallitse itseäni.Tunnen kaipuusi jokaisessa hengenvedossani,rakkautesi polttavan suonissani.
Suloiset silmänsä,ihanaiset poskensa.Ihonsa siliävä ja enkelin aura hehkuva,katson hänen kuvaansa kaivaten.Kuin kuva kuun lammen pinnassa,kauniit silmänsä tekevät hypähdyksen rinnassani.Haluan syleillä hänen kehoaan jatkuvasti,ero siitä tuntuu rankaisevasti.Täyteläiltä huuliltaan hän kuiskaa korvaani,''kulta,nukutko''.Tuo huumaava ääni,tuo ihana tuoksu.En voi vastata suoraan,''Kyllä minä taidan''vastaan alistuen.
En pysty katsomaan hänen kehoaan suoraan,pelkään että särjen hänet.Siltikin kehoni huutaa : Päästä minut lähelle.Kuin alistuva susi minä odotan läähättäen.Milloin saan itseni tuntea täydeksi.Milloin näen hänet.
it's a sunny day
it's so funny to say that sun makes my day
every time it shines so bright
every time we seek it's light
it warms us,it gives us life
if we keep going like this it's our fire
that day will be armageddon
unless we make a difference as new generation
there will be no world
that's this centurys key word
still we don't fear it
still we won't try to shut it
still we think it protects us
gotta ask you : because of that are we nuts?
salvation or doom
as year go the situation comes closer like in cameras zoom
will we be saved
or will we be enslaved to wait our ending
this situation is still pending.
Will we be scorched by its fire
or will we be swallowed in its
ending,will we be sended to space to find a new home
no matter what happens,changes will come
the time of change won't tell itself
but we can always try to live next day better with ourselves
protected by suns light.
I walk through the morning
i watch at my clock
i start to run
like a bird flock
i'm already getting late
i pick my phone and call my mate
asking him:Do i have a chance still
he says:if you won't stand till phone is shut
i can't see the stars,i can only feel my breath
i run like hurricane just to get back to school
from there yesterday i came once again
My heart is racing,my lungs are hurting
but still i run,ignoring my pain
almost there i think to myself
when my phone rings and i hear : you're getting late
i pull out all power i have left
and run like wind to buss
i made it i think
now i think : what an fuss
legs waver under me
for my friend it's easy to see.
I walk to the class and all i can ask my friend
can i die now
or atleast down i will lay
Thing unknown,what it means?
is it always deep inside us purely clean
it shows what we truly are
we can't make it different
because it's all of us
soul is mirror of us
never lying never sleeping
it is inside of our deepest parts
it will live forever inside us
it won't be quenched
it won't be killed
what is soul
that's unknown
what will happen to it
we don't know
but i believe it's inside us
it's the essence of ourselves
it's our true form.
herään aurinkoon katsahdan viereeni,näen unieni enkelin.
Katsahdan hänen kasvoihinsa,silo poskiinsa,rintoihinsa.
Haluan tuntea kehonsa lämmön,tuon ihanan ihonsa.
Kosketan hänen poskeaan,henkäisen hellästi häntä kohti.
Avaten silmänsä hän paljastaa kauneimmat jalokivet mitä tulen näkemään.
Silitän hänen poskeaan ja katson ihannoiden häntä,onko hän todellinen?
Yhtäkkiä tunnen hänen kätensä ympärilläni, huulensa korvallani : nukuitko hyvin rakas?
Nyt tiedän,olen elossa edelleen.
siinä on kait kaikki tämän hetkiset... kiitos lukemisesta ja katsotaan koska tulee lisää :D