
2008...Perjantai 28.12.2007 00:20

1. Will you be looking for a new job?
Yes, because I need one ever so badly.

2. Will you be looking for a new relationship?

3. Will you be looking for sex?

4. What will you do different in '08?
Everything. 2007 wasn't too good from June onwards :(

5. New Years Resolution?
So many...

6. What will you not be doing in '08?
Slacking on my work, failing exams (hopefully), making the mistakes I've made already...

7. Any trips planned?
Finland in February.

8. Wedding plans?
Yeah! I'm gonna be my friend's Maid of Honour!

9. Major thing on your calendar?
So far: trip to Finland.

10. What canÂ’t you wait for?
To tie up existing loose ends, so that I can start afresh

11. What would you like to see happen different?
Everything: things to go just that little bit better.

12. What about yourself will you be changing?
Hair, personal circumstances.

13. What happened in ‘07 that you didn’t think would ever happen?
I hit rock bottom :(

14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about?
Doubt it.

15. Will you dress differently in '08 than you did in '07?

16. Will you start or quit drinking?
Nope. I don't drink, and never will.

17. Will you better your relationship with your family?
I hope so

18. Will you do Volunteer work?

19. Will you be nice to people you don't know?
Doubt it ^^

20. Do you expect '08 to be a good year for you?
I'd like it, but I don't think so.

21. How much did you change from this time last year til now?

22. Do you plan on having a child?
No, and I'll do what I can to avoid that.

23. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?
I'm not so sure.

24. Major lifestyle changes?

25. Will you be moving?

26. What will you make sure doesnÂ’t happen in 08 that happened in 07?
Bad times?

27. What are your New Years Eve plans?
Nothing as yet

28. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight?
en tykkää joulusta. oikeasti, joka vuonna on sama. Syödään yhdessä, mut illalla siskoni menee sen poikaystävän luonaan. sitten, me katsotaan telkkaria. vanhemmat nukkuu vähän, veljeni istuu tietokoneella. urgh. sitten seuravana päivää, siskon poikaystävä tulee meille. jippii :) mullei oo ongelma hänen kanssa, hän on ihan kiva poikaa, mutta se on kuin hän on nyt osa meidän perheestä.
ja niin aina he kysyvät minulta sama kysymys: milloin tulee SUN poikaystävä?! noh, mulla ei oo poikaystävä. mikäs yllätys. heh.
ehkä ens vuonna se ois vähän erilainen? tuskin sen, mut joo. haha. pojat ovat mun ystäviä, EI poikaystäviä, mutta mitä mä voin tehdä? ei mitään. que sera, sera :-/

jul är här igen!Maanantai 24.12.2007 23:17

^ note the dreadful Swedish.

So.......Christmas 2007. It's shaping up to be a fine old 'holiday'. Tomorrow, it's just us- Äiti, Iskä, Jono and Charlotte :) Good times, good times. Boxing Day (26th) Dad's side of the family are coming to visit us. I haven't seen them in a long time, so that's pretty cool beans :)

But I miss the guys from Uni. I had a really scary dream last night; it was about one of my flatmates, and I woke up terrified. Oh dear :(

Yesterday was pretty nice :) Mike (from Uni), came up to visit me!!! We went for a drive in and around Ipswich; we ended up at Alton Water (BIG lake). In the evening, I met up with some old friends in the pub and exchanged Crimbo gifts :) Leggi gave me a "Let's F*ck" t-shirt, which I've wanted for AGES. My parents aren't impressed. Surprise, surprise!

This evening, I'm not doing much at all. Just slobbing around (as usual), texting my friends, and chatting to people I probably wont ever see again lol. Strange old world we live in :)



and last but not least:


merry christmas!Perjantai 14.12.2007 02:16

meillä oli tänä iltana meidän 'omamme' pikkujoulumme.
se on vaikea sanoa, miten se on mennyt.
ihan ok? ehkä.
kamalasti? mahdollisesti -_-
pojat eivät oo tehnyt mitään auttaa.
"me ollaan sivonut vähän tänä aamuna, emme tarvitse tehdä mitään." <--WTF?!
Ruoan jälkeen, kaikki menivät- sänkyyn, suihkuun tai jossain muut. No niin. Sivoin vähän Jamien kanssa.
Sitten Jarmo näkyy vähän surulta :-/ En ole yllättynyt, mut joo. Hänen iskä kuoli helmikuussa tänä vuonna, ja niin viime jouluna, hän oli vielä elossa :-( no niin. miten me voimme tehdä?! ei mitään :-(

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 12.12.2007 23:13

olenkos mä hullu? mä oon menossa tänä iltana klubiin naapureiden kanssa. jarmo on sanonut, et jos menisin, hän ei juo tänä iltana alkoholia ja hän ostaa mulle 2 drinkkiä. deal or no deal?!
heh. en ole varma jos mä haluaisin mennä, mut kun joulu on tulossa, ehkä se on parasta et mä meen, eiks oo? hih.
urgh. en ole varma -_- mä meen lauantaina kotiin. 1 kuukautta. Ouch.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 12.12.2007 16:48

We had a fire alarm at 8:50am this morning. Luckily I was up, but I had to sling on a pair of jeans, grab my coat/scarf, and make a dash for it. Others were less lucky- one of my flatmates wished me a good morning whilst his jeans were still undone. I didn't smirk. Much ^-^
So that was quite a bad omen.
Then it turns out, we've lost the house we liked- Mike dropped out yesterday, and Rob dropped out of living with Jamie/Alex/Sean, so now Murray's joining them. Which means we're up shit without a paddle until March. I'm fucking furious about it.
Then Thomas has left. He gave me chocolate last night as a present *sniffs*, and I went and saw him before I went to my Seminar (Lesson Planning). Had a chat, and I didn't cry *cheers* But I still feel fucking dreadful.
Was going to go to Clacton today, xmas shopping, but given that I have hardly any money.....there's no point- my friend owns a shop there (he used to be my boss), and so I was hoping to see if he's still around ^^ I dunno.
Went out with Äiti, Iskä and Jono last night. Made a twat out of myself by bursting into tears when they mentioned Finland, which I'm a bit embarrassed about....urgh. I dunno anymore -_-
Then, the absolute icing on my cake: I'm running out of food, 'cause somebody's taken 3 meals. I mean, WTF?!?! They trash the kitchen, they use my things and don't clean up, and now they've stolen my food. I've had enough of this.

Giving up on you.Keskiviikko 12.12.2007 03:20

Yeah, I am. I'm not here to be messed around with, antagonised or anything of the sort. I'm not a mission, or a challenge for you to complete. Don't fuck around with me, because it's not fair. When I've had a bad day, and I tell you so, I don't expect a lifetime of empathy/sympathy, but I would like to have some form of concern from you, rather than you go whining on about how hard your day's been. Pläh. :(

&lt;suru&gt; mä sain tänä iltana suklaata lahjaksi thomasilta. hän lähtee itävalaan huomenna *itken*

Important...please comment :)Tiistai 11.12.2007 17:31

Hi everybody,

could you please tell me your feelings about having to learn English at School/college/university?!
I'd really appreciate people's opinions on this one!

Easy like a Sunday morning *snorts*Sunnuntai 09.12.2007 18:11

1. Are you tall?
Nope. But good things come in small packages :D

2. A Blonde?
lAt the moment, my hair's purple...but I have dark blonde hair naturally.

3. In your pajamas?

4. Left handed?

1. Friend you saw: Pav
2. Talked to on the phone: Äiti
3. Person to text you: Lazu
4. Piercing you got?: Nose, June 2004
5. Was today better than yesterday?: That remains to be seen ^-^

1. Number: 12
2. Colour: lots of colours.
3. Food: Anything home cooked- fast food does nothing for me.
4. Place: Bed
5. Day: saturday


Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Read some text messages, stumbled into the kitchen and made tea.

Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: a few things bubbling beneath the surface.

Q: What's the last movie you watched in theaters (Cinema)?
A: The Simpsons Movie (English with Finnish and Swedish subtitles) @ Plevna i Tammerfors.

Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: James's room

Q: Do you smile often?:
A: These last days, yes ^^

Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A. Yeah

Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: Not overly. I'm shy, and I have problems relaxing around others. If I am sufficiently relaxed though, I come across as quite a decent person. I hope.

Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: James' bed, then my bed ^^

Q: Why did you sleep there?
A: 'cause I fell asleep whilst talking to him, and then I woke up and went to my own bed.

Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: Can't really remember. About 2 weeks ago I think

Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: "Aaah. Peace."

Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 6

Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Uniklubi, Kylmää

Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: My feet are sore o.O

Q: What's your favorite month?
A: July/august.

Q: How many kids do you want/have?
A: 2 or 3

1. Are you missing someone right now? Nope. Should I be?
2. Are you happy?: Not overtly so.
3. Are you sad? Nope
4. Are you bored?: yes
5. Are you excited?: not overly, no.
6. Are you nervous?: about what?!
7. Are you tired?: fucking knackered.
8: Do you have a crush on someone?: obviously!

In my deepest fears I'm losing you.Lauantai 08.12.2007 19:19