The life of a Millionaire
Once in a small town, lived a 18 year old millionaire named Jack Long. He had long, black hair and hazel colored eyes. He was also very tall, about 74 inches. But nobody can be perfect, Mr. Long was known to be afraid of people and at the same time, lonely.
In the same town lived a 17 year old man/boy named Oliver Johnson, he was the opposite of Mr. Long. He was very short man with short, white hair and had blue eyes. Oliver was very social man, mainly because he lived on the, where his parent's had left him at the age of ten. Oliver was known as the bum of the town.
Mr. Long used to have a walk in the town at night, when everyone were sleeping. One, rainy night Oliver and Mr. Long ran into each other, when Mr. Long was going to home and Oliver was looking for shelter. Both of them were first shocked, but after a small discussion they realized something, Oliver needs a place to stay and Mr. Long needs a friend.
Mr. Long asked Oliver to stay in his place through the night and lucky for Oliver, offered him a job. Oliver now works as a personal assistant of Mr. Long, and is earning great money. No more bum life for Oliver and no more loneliness for Mr. Long.