


haluaa pitää hauskaa

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 22.01.2010 00:50

Heaven's waiting for you
Just close your eyes
And say goodbye
Hearing your pulse
Go on and on and on

I live my life in misery
I'd sacrifice this world to hold you
No breath left inside of me
Shattered glass keeps falling

Say goodnight
Just sleep tight
Say goodnight...

Flowers laid out for you
So many colours leave me blind
Seeing your face reflect from our babies eyes


Say goodnight
Just sleep tight
Say goodnight

So here I am
You're inside of me
So here I am
Our world is over
So here I am
You're inside of me
So here I am
Our world is over

Here I am with you
I'm there till the end
Memories are calling
So farewell my friend
Farewell my friend

Here I am with you
I'm there till the end
Memories are calling
So farewell my friend

Farewell my friend
My friend (3x)

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