
Gabriella Cilmi - Sweet about meTorstai 04.12.2008 23:13

Ooh, watching me
Hanging by
A string this time
Don't, easily
The climax
Of the perfect lie
Ooh, watching me
Hanging by
A string this time
Don't, easily
Smile worth
A hundred lies

If there's lessons
To be learned
I'd rather get
My jamming words
In first, so
Tell you something
That I've found
That the world's
A better place
When it's
Upside down, boy

If there's lessons
To be learned
I'd rather get
My jamming words
In first, so
When your playing
With desire
Don't come running
To my place
When it burns
Like fire, boy

Chorus (4x):
Sweet about me
Nothing sweet
About me, yeah

Blue, blue, blue
Waves, they crash
As time goes by
So hard to catch
Too, too smooth
Ain't all that
Why don't you ride
On my side
Of the tracks

If there's lessons
To be learned
I'd rather get
My jamming words
In first, so
Tell you something
That I've found
That the world's
A better place
When it's
Upside down, boy

If there's lessons
To be learned
I'd rather get
My jamming words
In first, so
When your playing
With desire
Don't come running
To my place
When it burns
Like fire, boy

(Chorus 6x)

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