


I have secrets I won't share.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 10.09.2008 15:12

Will I learn how to be one of you someday?
Will I still feel the eyes that behold me.
Will I hear what you think,when you see me?
Will it tear me apart if you feel for me...

I 'd give my everything to you,follow you thru the garden of oblivion.
If only I could tell you everything, the little things you'll never dare to ask me...

Do you really know me? I might be a God.
Show me that you care and have a cry.
How do you see me?... as the one?
Can you see my blood when I'm bleeding.
How can you love this exile,and how could I desire you.
When my pain is my pain and yours is too...

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