


Diego Bruce

Happiness Perjantai 03.04.2009 01:42

As I sit here with this tainted pen, it never ceases to amaze me how the only efficient way to fully describe a situation or feeling in a way that describes it as vividly as the mind and soul experienced it is to let the pen speak for me. The paper on which I write allows for a translation so that the ink that spills from the pen falls in a way that emits feeling and understanding. But what would the pen and paper be without me leading them? By themselves they ar inanimate and lifeless, but with my hand leading the pen, two lifeless objects can create a world of feelings, thoughts, ideas and visions.

Someone told me that they thought that one could never be truly happy. I, in fact, happily disagree. Happy is not only a feeling, it is also a mindset and a way of life. I choose to walk through my day with a smile on my face. I choose to extend my sphere of compassion to those around me and to lend a helping hand to those in need. By choosing to live my life in a way that makes me happy, I control my mindset. If something negative happens, I take it with a grain of salt, learn something from it and move on.

It is true that one can not truly appreciate the good times without experiencing the hard times as well. I have definitely experienced my share of hard/bad times, but what have I come away with? I have learned that by maintaining a positive and optimistic demeanor and mindset, that the things around me have begun to fall into place. I finally understand that appreciation and thanks are owed to those that I care about and to those that care about me in return and that I need only offer good wishes and the best of luck to those who don't.

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