


Diego Bruce

What If...?Maanantai 03.11.2008 04:41

What if one day you woke up and something was different?
And everything you knew was not as it seemed?
What if everyone you knew was not there?
And everybody you loved was gone?
What if the person you loved was a figment of your imagination?
What if you were not real?
What If you were me?
and i was you.
What if we were them?
and them us.
What if your life was something more then breathing?
it is.
but what?

What If you believed ?
What would you do if everything you knew was a lie with no reason behind it?
What would you do if a promise was made.
but broken?
What if this is all a dream??
What if someone told You that the sky is not blue?
and rain not water.
and you not human..
but stardust.
What if there was no love?

What if.....?

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