


Diego Bruce

Please Turn Back The Time.Sunnuntai 12.04.2009 07:16

Do you know how much you meant to me?
Oh no.
Do you know I still carry the memories?
Oh no
Did you know that for me letting go wasn't easy?
Oh no, no you don't

Do you still listen to our lullaby?
Oh no
Does it help you get to sleep at night?
Oh no
Are you singing along by the pale moonlight?
Oh no, no you don't.

I just need a bit more time
To get you off my mind tonight
I'm thinking of your bright blues eyes,
Brighter than the stars that lit the skies,
An angel in disguise

I just need a bit more time
I wanna hold you in my arms tonight
I can't forget those bright blue eyes,
Can't forget the moment they met mine
Please turn back the time

Their SongMaanantai 06.04.2009 05:09

Everyone whoever was or is or will be has a song. It isn't a song that anybody else wrote. It has its own melody, it has its own words. Very few people get to sing their own song. Most of us fear that we cannot do it justice with our own voices, or that our words are too foolish or too honest, or too odd. So people live their own songs instead..

DIEGO IS BACKLauantai 04.04.2009 04:07

thats right diego's back in town.
get the boooze and lets do this thing!


haha peace XD

Happiness Perjantai 03.04.2009 01:42

As I sit here with this tainted pen, it never ceases to amaze me how the only efficient way to fully describe a situation or feeling in a way that describes it as vividly as the mind and soul experienced it is to let the pen speak for me. The paper on which I write allows for a translation so that the ink that spills from the pen falls in a way that emits feeling and understanding. But what would the pen and paper be without me leading them? By themselves they ar inanimate and lifeless, but with my hand leading the pen, two lifeless objects can create a world of feelings, thoughts, ideas and visions.

Someone told me that they thought that one could never be truly happy. I, in fact, happily disagree. Happy is not only a feeling, it is also a mindset and a way of life. I choose to walk through my day with a smile on my face. I choose to extend my sphere of compassion to those around me and to lend a helping hand to those in need. By choosing to live my life in a way that makes me happy, I control my mindset. If something negative happens, I take it with a grain of salt, learn something from it and move on.

It is true that one can not truly appreciate the good times without experiencing the hard times as well. I have definitely experienced my share of hard/bad times, but what have I come away with? I have learned that by maintaining a positive and optimistic demeanor and mindset, that the things around me have begun to fall into place. I finally understand that appreciation and thanks are owed to those that I care about and to those that care about me in return and that I need only offer good wishes and the best of luck to those who don't.

What If...?Maanantai 03.11.2008 04:41

What if one day you woke up and something was different?
And everything you knew was not as it seemed?
What if everyone you knew was not there?
And everybody you loved was gone?
What if the person you loved was a figment of your imagination?
What if you were not real?
What If you were me?
and i was you.
What if we were them?
and them us.
What if your life was something more then breathing?
it is.
but what?

What If you believed ?
What would you do if everything you knew was a lie with no reason behind it?
What would you do if a promise was made.
but broken?
What if this is all a dream??
What if someone told You that the sky is not blue?
and rain not water.
and you not human..
but stardust.
What if there was no love?

What if.....?

HALLOWEENLauantai 01.11.2008 14:41

Is the best day of the year:D

i mean who doesn't like free candy right??
or gettin to dress up no matter how old u are :D

last night was awesome!! as all halloween nights are ^___________________^

saw some scary flicks and went to a couple haunted houses and then

haha and if u know me then u can pretty much imagine how much partyin i was doin :)
i was dressed as batman and my friend was the joker :D
haha i know what ur thinkin but we couldn't think of anything else haha:D
but it was great cause i ran into a girl who was dressed as batwomen and man....
we had a lot of fun at the Halloween parties:D
so it all worked out :D

but i had a little dance showdown with another guy who was dressed as batman -.-
haha we wanted to see who the better batman was....haha so when i get that video ill post it :D
but i won ^________^

soooo anybody have some scary or funny story they want to share about their halloween?? :D

Secret - By QuiteDriveTiistai 28.10.2008 02:10

hey bride of mine i love you so why'd you find another who would make love with you death do us part might be true before the doctor asked me what did i do hey here's the crime if you've got time i'll tell you just what i've done can you keep a secret hey how down low does it go when your friends don't even know i'm just an arrogant boy now you've found me out i'm just an arrogant boy i'm the last one around why did i get myself into a secret pain isn't real once you feel dark regret for what you've done hey how down low does it go when your friends don't even know i'm not the only one that can hear you whisper i should of known to never trust you now i'm sinking deeper why did i get myself into a secret into the sea...

FINLAND :DSunnuntai 26.10.2008 22:16

alright soo heres the deal :D i lost my old sim card from finland =/

wtf i know right?? XD

In a way its good tho cause now i dont have ppl numbers that i was to lazy to delete :D
and on the bad side i lost all my friends numbers=(

soooo how about everybody gives me there number again:) man that sounds like a swell
IDEA!! don't you think? =D

That way when I get back I can hit you all up and we can go partyin!!!!
woot woot !! :D......that was lame i know..... -.-


...Plus the drinks are on me when i get back ^_______________^
well if i get your number again :D

peace, luv, posterity and so on XD

Welcome..Sunnuntai 31.08.2008 03:45

Welcome To My Life..
Where All Your Dreams Go Up In Smoke..
And All Thats Left...
Is You.

Where We Began...Sunnuntai 17.08.2008 07:12

I love my country I wouldn't wanna live anywhere else But I'm not a politian or a gentry So I've gotta look inside myself, he said... Goodbye, bye to my American pride We had heart and great minds But we've flung God from our side He thought the world would come to peace, So he made his shelter in the shade, and from a distance watched this place as a timeless war did rage. He said, Goodbye, bye to my American pride We had heart and great minds But we've flung God from our side. The lust for unfulfilling coin Once controlled his power hungry life It left no time for kids and wife No it wouldn't satisfy Not a thing satisfies a searching mind "Hey there, I heard about you son You're going through a rough time You're not the only one. Hey there, you're looking pretty glum, But don't you worry, You're not the only one" Goodbye, bye to my American life Cause I don't even know struggle or strife But I've had one lowly life...