


you can talk your shit, you're just making me famous ~ 우리 싶다 다이

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?Perjantai 25.02.2011 17:40

miks saan jtn tämmösiä sähköposteja ? ..tos alemmas oli viel suomekski
my name is Blessing,but my friends calls me Blessy
so you can call me that if you wish,today when i was
browsing on internet i came across your contact information
and i like it so much,so decided to use the opportunity
to write to you and i believe we can write together as
friends.You can email me with the above email address
so that i can send you my picture and also tell you
more about me.
Thanks and God bless as you reply.

Hello Dear ,
My name is MissTina, I'm interested in knowing you & being friendly with you . I would appreciate if we get acquainted as soon as possible, you can reach me through my private e-mail stated below so that we can get to know each other better.
I quite believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone. I want you to understand that race or distance does not matter but loving and caring matters a lot in life. I look forward to hear from you soonest.
Yours truly,

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