


fucking maniacs

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 12.06.2009 00:40

leijonan pennut<3

ja kaikki ne muut eläimet jotka oli kätketty jonnekki<3 :D

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 11.06.2009 12:05

tänään mennään korkeasaareen, korkeasaareen, korkeasaareen....

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 10.06.2009 22:22

löysin uuen jutun mun koneelt jännää...

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 09.06.2009 20:31

se on mänty, kyllä tunnistan
vihreän ja tutun maiseman
oletko tuolta alhaalta

helsinki-vantaa, en tahdo sitä
helsinki-vantaa, sen kuiskaan minä

vaikka kuinka koitan tarkentaa
katsettani, niin en millään saa
näkyviin kotia tuolla alhaalla

helsinki-vantaa, en tahdo sitä
helsinki-vantaa, sen kuiskaan minä

ei nähdä enää koskaan

paitsi seuraavalla kerralla
mutta seuraavalla kerralla

helsinki-vantaa, en tahdo sitä
helsinki-vantaa, sen kuiskaat sinä

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 09.06.2009 00:00

jumalauta mä sekoon....

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 07.06.2009 17:37

saakeli ku ei osaa nukkuu oikein KAIKKI taas iha jumis.....murrr.....

söin sutLauantai 06.06.2009 20:38

OMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMLauantai 06.06.2009 20:38

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 05.06.2009 23:57

Do you know what it's like to fall on the floor
And cry your guts out 'til you got no more
Hey man now you're really living

Have you ever made love to a beautiful girl
Made you feel like it's not such a bad world
Hey man now you're really living

Now you're really giving everything
And you're really getting all you gave
Now you're really living what
This life is all about

Well i just saw the sun rise over the hill
Never used to give me much of a thrill
But hey man now you're really living

Do you know what it's like to care too much
'bout someone that you're never gonna get to touch
Hey man now you're really living

Have you ever sat down in the fresh cut grass
And thought about the moment and when it will pass
Hey man now you're really living

Now you're really giving everything
And you're really getting all you gave
Now you're really living what
This life is all about

Now what would you say if i told you that
Everyone thinks you're a crazy old cat
Hey man now you're really living

Do you know what it's like to fall on the floor
And cry your guts out 'til you got no more
Hey man now you're really living

Have you ever made love to a beautiful girl
Made you feel like it's not such a bad world
Hey man now you're really living

People sing
Do you know what it's like to fall on the floor
And cry your guts out 'til you got no more
Hey man now you're really living

Just saw the sun rise over the hill
Never used to give me much of a thrill
But hey man now i'm really living