Yeah! Here I am writing this, bored out of my mind. But no problem. My lovely machine has seen battle and now layes wrecked in the back room. But no worries. I will change his legs into giant omniputent tracks of doom!!!! On other things, I'm waiting fevereshly for an order I placed a week ago. Hopefully it will be here today...
I have been partying quite a lot lately, made new friends. Thats always the good thing about parties, meeting new people. Where else can you do that safely? At a bar? I guess, but theres always the chance of meeting someone only to discover a horrible secret later. House parties are things people are invited to. Not like a bar where people go for one reason. Alcohol. House parties are more a gathering of mutual friends. A good thing. Anyway, theyre fun.
Now, on the topic of parties, theres one in particular called the "House Warming" party. These a strange and unusual beasts, often encoutered in the wild. The celebration takes place in the newly aquired home of a mutual friend, its objective to "Warm" the house for the rest of the year. They're lots of fun, but sometimes cover a deep secret. I have witnessed friends being over run by too many house warming parties in one month and have come to a hypothesis.
House warming parties happen in groups. Yes people, they are not singular events. Once one occurs, it starts a domino effect for others to move on to new homes and have parties of their own. Heck, even I've lived in my own home for over a year now and want one. And actually have yet to have one... Its a conspiracy!
... yeah. Enough of my ramblings...
Well, gotta get back to doing what I was doing... See you in the slipstream.