


I aim to missbehave!


- Vanhemmat »
You can't believe what kind of month I've had... I mean holy crap! You can't wish this kind of sh*t on anyone... And sometimes I'm a vindictive kind of guy... My life has been filled with confusion, anger, dissapointment, then elation, security, happiness, only to be washed away with regret, more anger and wallowing... Is this what I'm supposed to live with? Hell no. I make my own goddam fate! No one else makes it for me. Hell, thats probably the reason I'm going through this. To show me in some twisted way, that I am not infact in control of my own life. Well, I'll just get up again dammit! I do control my own fate, no one else.

When it comes to getting your mind screwed over six ways from sunday, it kinda changes a man, that I can admit. But hey, I'm still ticking. I scared a few friends though, they kinda thought I had lost it and do something stupid, but I'm not like that. I'll just move on. But hell, this time around things are going to change. For the better hopefully, but no matter what, they will change.

Is it because of revenge? Maybe, I've always loved the concept. Who know's, we'll see. Well, gotta go...

Slipstream and all that...

Don't feel like dancing...Tiistai 17.10.2006 23:49


Yeah that song... I really dont care too much for it, but theres something so fun about it that I cant help but smile when I hear it. I guess thats why its playing now... Cause I need to smile a bit. Sh*t. Talk about having a rough start to a week... Well, I wont go into detail, but sometimes people just seem to confuse me. I try to be friendly and then they see you as something else entirely and accuse you of it. You try to figure it out, but you can't. So what do you do in the end? Just play along? Be someone youre not? Act like its all ok? Or be yourself? Keep your identity and who you are. Well I choose the latter. Cause in the end thats all what people ever have thats their own. Their identity. Never to be constrained by outside influences! It's yours. Your own. No one elses to be molded or shaped. That is what being free is all about. Yeah...

Christ, I made that sound like some sort of war speech. Oh well. I guess I'm not too far off, even if it has a hint of over dramatized flare... Who cares, this is my diary, I'll write what I want. Apart from that, I've been quite bored really. Nothing really special happening. I carved a pumpkin for halloween. T'was fun. Though I think the poor sucker lost a tooth in the process, I dont think he'll mind. It kinda adds to the creepy effect.

On another note, I really gotta go to the gym. I've missed my last two times. Getting lazy, and I shouldn't. Now that its getting darker. I still gotta get my quota done.

As with all things...Torstai 12.10.2006 15:28

Yeah! Here I am writing this, bored out of my mind. But no problem. My lovely machine has seen battle and now layes wrecked in the back room. But no worries. I will change his legs into giant omniputent tracks of doom!!!! On other things, I'm waiting fevereshly for an order I placed a week ago. Hopefully it will be here today...

I have been partying quite a lot lately, made new friends. Thats always the good thing about parties, meeting new people. Where else can you do that safely? At a bar? I guess, but theres always the chance of meeting someone only to discover a horrible secret later. House parties are things people are invited to. Not like a bar where people go for one reason. Alcohol. House parties are more a gathering of mutual friends. A good thing. Anyway, theyre fun.

Now, on the topic of parties, theres one in particular called the "House Warming" party. These a strange and unusual beasts, often encoutered in the wild. The celebration takes place in the newly aquired home of a mutual friend, its objective to "Warm" the house for the rest of the year. They're lots of fun, but sometimes cover a deep secret. I have witnessed friends being over run by too many house warming parties in one month and have come to a hypothesis.

House warming parties happen in groups. Yes people, they are not singular events. Once one occurs, it starts a domino effect for others to move on to new homes and have parties of their own. Heck, even I've lived in my own home for over a year now and want one. And actually have yet to have one... Its a conspiracy!

... yeah. Enough of my ramblings...

Well, gotta get back to doing what I was doing... See you in the slipstream.

Blasted infernal machine!!Lauantai 29.07.2006 23:48

My lovely creation wont even stand on its own four feet. I've constantly tried to make it more sturdy, but it doesent seem to accept it. Oh well, I'll figure something out. Aaah, went to the gym today. Feel so much better. Though as a suprise I found out that I had a shift at work today. Heh. Well, I did do it, but it was odd. Oh well. Nothing more really happened today, I'll just finish this and grab something to eat. See you in the slipstream...

To me Mojito!Lauantai 29.07.2006 01:33

Met an old friend today. We went to dinner. We ate alot and pritty much tried all the drinks on the menu, I must admit it got a little pricey but hey, thats what its all about eh? Having a good time? The only thing I regret is that it ended quite early, she was tired, but still. Wouldn't have minded going to get some more. Oh well, walked back home and was greeted by my roomie who offered me a beer. So we sat and just talked as I played the guitar. Ended up being a rather cool night. Not over yet, just though to see if anything is going on here. Guess not...

What lives we lead...Torstai 27.07.2006 01:37

Well, got my little project halfway completed. That model I mentioned. Just got a message that a long time friend is gonna come and visit next week! Woohoo! Heaven't seen him in a year, wonder how he'll react when he sees me... Lets just say I've changed a bit. Bout 35kg lighter I should say... :D Well I'm happy. Not all the way there, but atleast over halfway. Can't believe it took me this long to get back into shape. Meh, no big deal. I'm doing it now, thats the most important thing. So, thats about it. I guess I'll add something to this when I feel like it. See you in the slipstream.

What have I created? Keskiviikko 26.07.2006 03:29

Today I was struck by psychotic inspiration! I have built something that shall strike fear into all those that would oppose me in the field on battle! For this creation also brings fear to me as well! For I must still paint the bastard... Ugh... I build models for a hobby and also play wargames. Ooh, I hear you say. Well, lets just say I prefer to spend my time outside and playing a good social game with people than sitting inside and playing on a computer all day or watching tv. Dont get me wrong though. I love movies! I just dont watch them all the time all day. I like to spend time with people. And real people. I once was a part of the Word of Warcraft phenomenon, but thankfully I have now quit. I've been clear of WOW for over a year now and I can say I'm still happy. Don't know what the whole fuss about it is really. Oh well. Gotta hit the sack now, got a big day tommorow. :D See you in the slipstream.

Where did my energy go?Tiistai 25.07.2006 00:03

Uugh... Just walked back from the gym. Well, I did more in town anyway. Bumped into a friend, we walked around for a while, I'm desperately trying to find a gift for my mom's birthday. She likes books but she pritty much has a library anyway. So kinda tough to add to that. Perhaps I'll get her something on law or something... Wouldnt suprise me if she's read that as well. My brother called me, told me he was dodging clouds filled with hail with his airplaine. He's a pilot by the way. But yeah. Nothing really special going on. Gonna see if theres any good film to watch. Crap! My ferrets in his cage! I gotta release the beast. later...

Live fast, work slow...Maanantai 24.07.2006 17:22

Well, just finnished my work for today. Not really much. Editing and that. Yup, I'm in the media business, mostly editing music videos now, but still its fun. Hell, it gets the bills paid so I'm happy. Decided to change my pic. Dunno why, this one makes me look more... "thoughtfull". Heh heh. Right... Oh well, I guess I seem to be thinking of something. I'll change it when I get a better picture of me. I feel like invading the town area and harrasing my friends, but right now I'm just too damn tired... I know... I'll go to the gym. Hell, atleast its healthy. Better than sitting on my ass here and oogling at the computer screen. Yup, I'll do that...

Hi there!Sunnuntai 23.07.2006 05:46

Well, gotta write something here. If you're wondering why its in English, well its cause I'm half english. So primarily I speak it. Ergo, I write it as well. :D Aaaanyway, thoguht I'd keep some sort of written testament of my life here. I wont tell you everything I do. Hell, who wants to know what I did last tuesday, hmm? Or do you?.... Well, guess its up to me to tell you. But not right now. Oh well, tired now. Must... Sleep... I'll write again at some point.
- Vanhemmat »