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En mä sua pois mun mielestä saa. Keskiviikko 08.11.2006 17:46

Sä merkitset mulle enemmän ku tiedätkään,
mut sit sä tuhosit meijän yhteisen unelman.

'' kun sydämein pysähtyy, kaikuu vain
laulu enkelten, sammuu taivaalta tähdet
ja sinä pois lähdet. ''


'' I was born in the land of the sun
And the tall green grass
And I don't understand
How all this has come to pass
How we've come to surround ourselves
In a sea of thieves
In a land without learning
Only the fools believe

I went driving last night
On a dark canyon road
Had the sky to myself
But I wasn't alone
Had the pain of my lifetime
For my company
How did it end up like this
For you and me

When love breaks the promise
The heart has to keep
It leaves only truth here to find
When the spirit is crushed
And the hurt is so deep
Between you and I

Even when love has come and gone
And our hearts have moved along
I will remember
There was a time we had the trust
And that always was enough
I will remember
I will remember you

As I open my eyes to one more day
The wind burns my face
As it whispers your name
As it's pulling me forward
It tears me free
And the only thing left
Is the tears for you and me

'Cause when love breaks the promise
The heart has to keep
It leaves only truth here to find
When the spirit is crushed
And hurt is so deep
Between you and I

Even when love has come and gone
And our hearts have moved along
I will remember
There was a time we had the trust
And that always was enough
I will remember

Even when love has come and gone
And our hearts have moved along
I will remember
There was a time we had the trust
And that always was enough
I will remember
I will remember you ''

Toto - I will remember

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