


Neiti Rintapuoli <3

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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 10.12.2006 01:21

'' I can see it in your eyes
no more tears, no alibis,
I'm still in love with you.
There's so much I gotta show,
I will never let you go,
but will I know for sure...
Come take me by the hand
the summer never ends,
And I wanna know

That you believe in love again,
Please tell me now it's not the end
'cause this I promise you so true,
The summer belongs to you.
'Cause you believe in love again,
How can I make you understand?
'cause this I promise you so true,
The summer belongs to you

The summer belongs to you...

Would you catch me if I fall?
Crash and burn and lose it all?
Tell me what to do.
'Cause I need you night and day,
Will you ever run away?
There's one more thing to say
Come take me by the hand...
The summer never ends
And I wanna know

That you believe in love again,
Please tell me now it's not the end
'cause this I promise you so true,
The summer belongs to you
'cause you believe in love again,
How can I make you understand?
'cause this I promise you so true,
The summer belongs to you.

The summer belongs to you. ''

miten sut saa uskoo, rakkauteen
uudestaan. :/

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