
I 'm maybe not so unique,
I seem to get it all wrong when I'm angry and when I try to speak.
I know I misbehaved, and that you always forgave,
now I understand that you just turned into a silent cave.
I wish I could redo some of all these hurting moves,
I really wish that I had time left to improve.
But as IÂ’m lying here imagining figures in the concrete ceiling above,
I realize, this is my last day.

Now all this is perfectly clear and it feel s like I 'm going insane.
Lying here still fully awaiting the darkness to take me away from this pain.
Now all this is perfectly clear and it feel s like I 'm going insane.
This is my last day.
The darkness is taking me away from this pain.

So weak.
Once I was stronger than a lion, with an enormous physique.
Now IÂ’m just bleak, desperately trying to shut the leak, to where my life seems to seek.
I wish I could redo some of these hurting moves.
I really wish that I had time left to improve.

Now all this is perfectly clear and it feels like I 'm going insane.
Lying here still fully awaiting the darkness to take me away from this pain.
Now all this is perfectly clear and it feels like I 'm going insane.

This is my last day.
The darkness is taking me away from this pain

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