


'Cause you're a diva

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 22.06.2008 03:16

The nights are wearing me down
And it's hard getting through the day
'Cause I need you right now
And right now you're so faraway

I guess I should have known
That I'd end up this way
But I swear I'll come home
And then nothing will drag me away

Don't you ever leave me baby
Don't you ever leave me now
Don't you ever leave me baby
If you leave me you will kill me now

Now that some much time has passed
I know that this love of ours will last forever
'Cause we feel it, take it, hold it and believe it
You need me like I need you
I know you do, I'm sure you do

The lights are slowly going down
On Lexington Avenue
And me, I'm all alone feeling the tears
falling down from my eyes

A subway train is passing by
Driving into the Darkness
I jump inside 'cause I ain't got
nowhere to sleep tonight

I was forcing myself just walk through the day
When all I really wanted to do was curl up in a corner and cry
Nothing had any meaning
And I just thought let's give it another day and see if anything happens
Then you came along like my own ray of sunshine
Made me feel warm, safe and alive again

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