


Once in a lifetime ;)

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.06.2009 02:32

Onnea kaikille valmistuneille :)

“My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet. She's now in a maximum security twilight home in Australia.”

En enää koskaanLauantai 30.05.2009 16:43

.. softaa Harrin kanssa!

ehkä jos ens viikonloppuna uudestaan :D

pikkusen hellänä paikat ku pieniä kuulia tulee päähän ja selkään
ihan kiitettävällä nopeudella :D

mutta yks meistä ''maalitauluista'' on aivan 100% varmasti tuskallisilla mustelmilla :DD

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 27.05.2009 22:43

Mun kissa teki toissayönä pentuja.. 5 kappaletta. suloisia ovat.
ei viittis hävittääkkään niitä -.-

''It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.''
9.10.2002 Aileen Wuornos teloitettiin kuollettavalla ruiskeella. Viimeisiksi sanoikseen Wuornos mutisi lauseen jota pidetään kaikkein hämärimpinä viimeisinä sanoina: "I'd just like to say I'm sailing with the Rock and I'll be back like Independence Day with Jesus, June 6, like the movie, big mothership and all. I'll be back."

oli tainnu tädillä olla iso pipi päässä..

“Scientists tell us that the fastest animal on earth, with a top speed of 120 feet per second, is a cow that has been dropped out of a helicopter.”

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.05.2009 01:37

25 päivää enää!!
Sitte kauheella kiireellä ja iloisella mielellä baariin!! :DD

“I got up one morning and couldn't find my socks, so I called Information. She said, "Hello, Information." I said, "I can't find my socks." She said, "They're behind the couch." And they were!”

No Shit Sherlock!Sunnuntai 24.05.2009 21:08

Oli kyllä mahtava reissu. Ja kuinkas kävikään!
Silmäkulma auki, sääressä luuhun asti reikä, mustelmia ja naarmuja.
Mutta mitään noista ei ole minulla :D okei ehkä mustelmia ;D

Keikka oli myös mahtava, Niina, minä, Katja, Kimmo sekä Pauli oltiin ainoat jotka meni
sinne, mutta jätkätkin heitettiin ulos koska olivat liian humalassa!
Katja oli juomatta koko illan mutta minä ja Niina puolestamme oltiin.. kröhmm... hyvässä kuosissa :D


“I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather... Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.”

Huomenna HellKattiin!!! Torstai 21.05.2009 23:52

saa nähdä ollaanko miten paketeissa ja paikattuina kun tullaan takaisin :D

mahtavalla porukalla mennään, joten ei ole ainakaan pelkoa siitä että ois tylsää :D

''I just broke up with someone and the last thing she said to me was "You'll never find anyone like me again!" and I said; "I should hope not! If I don't want you, why would I want someone like you.''

''Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.''

''A blind bloke walks into a shop with a guide dog. He picks the Dog up and starts swinging it around his head. Alarmed, a shop assistant calls out: 'Can I help, sir?' 'No thanks,' says the blind bloke. 'Just looking.' ''

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 21.05.2009 00:25

''Love is so sad
I realized it that night you were next to me
Cause better than anybody else,
I know you so well
Even your casual kindness
Makes my chest tighten

This, this close I'm watching you
Why, why are we only friends?

No matter how, no matter how strong my feelings are
They don't reach you. You don't understand
I'm so in love with you

"You're not feeling too good?"
you said, and in that moment
I yawned to hide my tears
"Lack of sleep, maybe?" was my excuse

The lies to my most important person
Keeps piling up, that's the current me

Every day, every day, my heart is in pain
Countless, Countless sleepness nights overcome

That first, that first day we met
It'd be so great if I could return to it
I'm so in love with you

If I confess that "I love you"
I probably won't be able to smile again
But to continue as friends, with fake smiles
I can't take take it anymore

The truth is, the truth is I always loved you
Always, always, I kept loving you
To you, to you I want to send these feelings
I whisper them to the blue sky
I'm so in love with you

This, this close I'm watching you
Why, why are we only friends?
No matter how, no matter how strong my feelings are
They don't reach you. You don't understand
I'm so in love with you''

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 17.05.2009 01:44

''Ei me myyä villihevosiaa!''

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 16.05.2009 01:39

''Love is not a feeling, it's an ability''