
I got a bullet with your name on it. Sunnuntai 07.09.2008 19:29

ei mulla oo mitään vaikeuksii vihanhallinan kanssa ;))

Kylin keikka 13.6Lauantai 14.06.2008 03:26

tultiin just miran kaa himaan, mulla on kädet melkeen verillä taputtamisesta XD

Eve 6 / Think TwiceTorstai 12.06.2008 23:04

When all is said and done
And dead does he love you
The way that I do
Breathing in lightning
Tonight's for fighting
I feel the hurt so physical

Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around I'll let you feel the burn
Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around come around no more
Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around I'll let you feel the burn
Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around no more

She spreads her love
She burns me up
I can't let go
I can't get out
I've said enough
Enough by now
I can't let go
I can't get out

Wait till the day you finally see
I've been here waiting patiently
Crossing my fingers and my t's
She cried on my shoulder begging please

Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around I'll let you feel the burn
Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around come around no more
Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around I'll let you feel the burn
Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around no more

She spreads her love
She burns me up
I can't let go
I can't get out
I've said enough
Enough by now
I can't let go
I can't get out

What is it you really want
I'm tired of asking
You're gone I'm wasted

When I showed up and he was there
I tried my best to grin and bear
And took the stairs but didn't stop at the street
And as we speak I'm going down

Cause she spread her love
And burnt me up
I can't let go
I can't get out
I've said enough
Enough by now
I can't let go
I can't get out

Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around I'll let you feel the burn
Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around come around no more
Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around I'll let you feel the burn
Think twice before you touch my girl
Come around no more

The Kooks / NaiveTorstai 12.06.2008 22:30

I'm not saying it was your fault
Although you could have done more

Oh you're so naive yet so

How could this be done
Your such a smiling sweetheart
Oh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly way
Something so beautiful
That everytime I look inside

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

I may say it was your fault
Cause I know you could have done more

Oh you're so naive yet so

How could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart
Oh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly way something so beautiful
Everytime I look inside

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

How could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart

Oh you're so naive yet so

Such an ugly thing
Someone so beautiful
And everytime you're on his side

I know she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it maybe be she's still out to get me

And I know she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it maybe be she's still out to get me

Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to your kite
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to your kite
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to this kite
Just don't let me down

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 12.06.2008 18:47

Don't even talk about the consequence
Cause right now you're the only thing that's making any sense to me
And I don't give a damn what they say, what they think think
Cause you're the only one who's on my mind

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 12.06.2008 18:22

ajattele jotain ihmistä;

(x) olen halannut häntä
(x) olen tervehtinyt häntä
() olen nähnyt hänet tänään
(x) olen huutanut hänelle
() olemme olleet saunassa yhdessä
(x) olemme olleet leikkipuistossa joskus
(x) olen käynyt lintsillä/tai jossain muualla huvipuistossa hänen kanssaan
() olen suudellut häntä
(x) olen vihannut häntä joskus
() olen ostanut hänelle synttärilahjan
(x) olen itkenyt hänen takiaan
(x) olen käynyt elokuvissa hänen kanssaan
(x) olen itkenyt niin että hän näkee
() hän on minulle todella tärkeä
() hän ei ole juurikaan tärkeä
(x) tai ei ainakaan se tärkein
(x) mutta pidän hänestä
() hän on komea/kaunis
() hän on aika ruma
(x) ihan tavallinen
() hän pukeutuu huonosti
(x) tai aika hyvin
() hänellä on hyvä musiikkimaku
() olemme kokeneet paljon yhdessä
(x) emme ole vielä kokeneet paljoa yhdessä
(x) hän juo paljon
() tai ei ollenkaan?
() hän demittää
() hän wowittaa
() hän on yleensä aina pelaamassa
() tai hän pelailee silloin tällöin
() mutta sinä olet silti hänelle tärkeämpi kuin pelit?
(x) hän on kätellyt sinua
(x) et ole juurikaan kiinnostunut hänestä
(x) hän ei juurikaan ole kiinnostunut sinusta
(x) tiedän mitä hän tekee juuri nyt
() tunnen hänet paremmin kuin kukaan muu, luulisin

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 09.06.2008 22:57

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realize there's nothing left
Cause I've been blastin and laughing so long that
Even my mama thinks that my mind is gone

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 06.06.2008 23:07

mitä jos mulla tulee ikävä sua?

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.05.2008 19:23

You're livin in your own Private Idaho. Idaho.
You're out of control, the rivers that roll,
you fell into the water and down to Idaho.
Get out of that state,
get out of that state you're in.
You better beware.

You're living in your own Private Idaho.
You're living in your own Private Idaho.