


When you give it to me - yeah - give it to me raw, I burn.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 12.04.2009 03:25

I fell trough a hole in my soul,
Now I can't find my way out.
Wine, Where's your guidance?

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 26.03.2009 12:57

I want back to that time when we still were friends, but guess you don't care about memories do you.

Ghost (Beneath The Surface)Perjantai 06.02.2009 23:38

There will never be a day like this, never a moment like the other.
Never will someone show me that something so fragile can be so strong,
Something so thin still so stabile.

You can't live in the past nor in the future, for that is exclusive for the present.

Look at the sunset as it is your first and last.
Let the people you love know that you love them,
because it might be the last time you see them.
Learn like you will live forever.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Laugh like a madman.
Mind about what people think and say, but always stay true.


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 21.01.2009 02:56

Although you steal my pillow and push me out of my own bed,
You are the one I want sleeping next to me <3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 07.01.2009 16:19

Okay, so I'm fucked.
I'm gonna kill someone since this doesn't work,
and she'll kill me 'cuz I'm not the daughter she wants me to be.
Well, fuck school.

You're out of line
If you question or speak your mind
They want you blind
Stupid and behind
What to believe?
(What's on TV?)
Nowhere in sight in industry
Can you receive
Without being deceived
This is your brain
And this is your brain on Fox news
You are insane
If you buy their sell-out truth
Don't be stoopid now!

Machinae Supremacy - Legion of Stoopid

CorazónSunnuntai 21.12.2008 03:04

"I cant do the talk like they talk on tv,
And I cant do a love song like the way its meant to be.
I cant do everything but Id do anything for you.
I cant do anything except be in love with you.

And all I do is miss you, and the way we used to be.
All I do is keep the beat and bad company.
All I do is kiss you, through the bars of a rhyme.
Juliet, I'd do the stars with you any time."

Romeo & Juliet - Dire Straights

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 16.12.2008 21:49

Forgive me for my terrible uglyness,
But I do love you <3
I am no tree, I am an Ent.

Jag vill vara luft
Jag vill glömmas bort
Jag vill vara allt
Jag vill kommas ihåg

boredomLauantai 13.09.2008 15:15

Laita musiiokiohjelmasi shufflelle ja vastaa kysymyksiin tulevien biisien nimillä.
Haasta sitten viisi ystävääsi!

Missä asut: Killin' Me

Kuvaile ensirakkauttasi: Illusion

Mikä on haasteesi: Flat On The Floor

Ketkä ovat ystäviäsi: The Nail

Kuvaile ulkonäköäsi: New Abortion

Mitä teit viime yönä: Symphony Of Destruction

Mikä on elämäsi tavoite: Prudence's Fall

Milloin harrastat seksiä: Peace Sells

Miten haluat kuolla: The Trooper

Mitä sanot vanhemmillesi: Blitzkrieg Loveshock

Missä vietät aikaasi: Bodies

Mitä ajattelet yhteiskunnasta: Liar

Kuvaile viimeisintä sydänsuruasi: Crazy Bitch

Mikä on selityksesi kaikelle: Pity

Mitä ajattelet perjantaisin: Another Brick In The Wall

Mihin kysymyksiin elämästä et ole saanut vastauksia: Steve's Quest

Mikä on lempivärisi: Downer

Mikä on neuvosi vähemmän kokeneille: Det Iskalla trollblodet

Mitä tekisit mieluiten juuri nyt: Brand New Hate

Kuvaile parasta ystävääsi: Dive

Mitä on sänkysi alla: Resolve

Mikä on ollut suurin saavutuksesi: Reflect The Storm

Mihin menet häämatkalle: Can I Play With Madness

Mitä on TEE NÄMÄ -listallasi: Sioux City Sarsaparilla

Missä olisit mieluiten juuri nyt: In Bloom

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.09.2008 16:52

Cat, i'm a kitty cat and I dance, dance, dance.
Fluffy little creature, you're so lovely, my little ninja <3