
Tiistai 07.04.2009 02:08

Put your music player on shuffle.
Post the first 40 songs that come up.
You can repeat artists if you want.
If you have any repeat tracks, skip to the next track.

01. 蜉蝣 - 落葉と君と僕と
02. Alexandra Wilcke - Das Farbenspiel des Winds
03. Kreuz†Schwert - Romantische Straβe
04. kagrra, - 皐月
05. 蜉蝣 - 絶頂スパイス
06. デルフィニウム - エンドロール
07. GAUDY MODE - Warn To You For Break Hell Down
08. Silver Ash - 午夜
09. La'miss fairy - Virgin (Instrumental)
11. イロクイ。 - 自己中アリス
12. X JAPAN - Tears
13. フィリア - RESET
14. ヴィドール - Illicit love
15. Peter Rangmar - The Hula Song
16. PARADE - 電脳恋愛パラダイス
17. マウス - 無への理想
18. Agnus∻Dei - ANDROID
20. サリー - 踊るフリークス
21. LAREINE - 追想
22. Pizzcato. - キティ
23. ジーク - 黒
24. Velze Dieulawahl - beauty -BEAST-
25. jewelry - 女心と夏の空
26. Vice†risk - Vice&Nervous
27. 葉×隠~ハガクレ~ - Fall breeze
28. SHAZNA - Winter's Review
29. 殉-jun - 冬の花火
30. 蜉蝣 - 失恋という名の無情 (Last Live)
31. Venus - Sacrifice
32. D0115 - グランギニョル
33. MarBell - テノ鳴ル方へ
34. Nadir - 二人で見た日々
35. WHITEBLACK - 恐慌×凶行×狂攻
36. Wizard - System [ZERO]
38. Dio - distraught overlord - 不在という現実絵
39. PERSONA - 恋愛綱渡り
40. LAYBIAL - PROLOGUE~Second Image~

1. Which song do you prefer, #1 or #40?
- #1

2. Have you ever listened to #12 continuously on repeat?
- en

3. What album is #26 from?
- saman nimiseltä, eli Vice&Nervous

4. What do you think about the artist who did #15?
- hahah :D jaa a, en oo kuullu ku noita Leijonakunigas laului XD jos sil ees muita on.. :´D

5. Is #19 one of your favorite songs?
- ei. en o varmaa ees koskaa kuunnellu tota kokonaa

6. Who does #38 remind you of?
- ööh, no one

7. Does #20 have better lyrics or music?
- hmm, molemmat hyvii :D

8. Do any of your friends like #3?
- ei mun tietääkseni XD

9. Is #33 from a movie soundtrack?
- ei oo

10. Is #18 overplayed on the radio?
- tuskinpa..XD

11. What does #21 remind you of?
- emmä tie

12. Which song do you prefer, #5 or #22?
- ääh. #5 varmaa

13. What album is #17 from?
- 砕鬼道

14. When did you first hear #39?
- no en muista

15. When did you first hear #7?
- öö jaa a varmaa viime vuon

16. What genre is #8?
- kaikki sanoo et se on "ChinaÂ’s first visual kei band" ni visual kei sitte xD

17. Do any of your friends like #14?
- joo sillai, tai ei ne ketä nään usei mut joo XD

18. What color does #4 remind you of?
- sininen

19. Have you ever blasted #11 on your stereo?
- en

20. What genre is #37?
- no tota visual gayta kans

21. Can you play #13 on any instrument?
- tottamaar

22. What is your favorite lyric from #30?
- siis siitä laulusta? en tiä plöädfsö XD

23. What is your favorite lyric from #23?
- jaa-ah

24. Would you recommend #24 to your friends?
- en :D haha

25. Is #2 a good song to dance to?
- no ei oikeen XD

26. Do you ever hear #16 on the radio?
- joka päivä iskelmältä tulee

27. Is #32 more of a “nighttime” or “daytime” song?
- nighttime :D

28. Does #36 have any special meaning to you?
- ei

29. Do any of your friends like #31?
- enpä usko

30. Is #25 a fast or slow song?
- hiras

31. Is #35 a happy or sad song?
- öm ei kumpikaa?

32. What is one of your favorite lyrics from #9?
- en tieh

33. Is #34 better to listen to alone or with friends?
- yksin kai ku se o nii pitkä XD

34. When did you first hear #27?
- joskus en muist

35. Name 3 other songs by the artist who did #29:
- 哀愁涙色グラス, 夕暮れシルエット, 届かない唄 完

36. Do you know all the words to #6?
- en

37. Does #28 have better lyrics or music?
- öää en tie vaik musa

38. What album is #10 from?
- 「デビュー戦」~みんなの誓い 編~

nettiki katkes<3

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