


Hän puhui äänellä joka häiritsi taivasta. Hän sanoi, kävele tänne varjoon, kiedon sinut syliini ja tiedät olevasi turvassa.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 06.11.2008 00:50

you say just breathe
but how can i when you suffocate me

how can you live with yourself

this is the last time
i'll lie awake thinking about you
this is the last time
i'll be the one you stab the knife through

you say that you love me
i find it funny to hear that from you

how can you live with yourself

this is the last time
i'll lie awake thinking about you
this is the last time
i'll be the one you stab the knife...

are you satisfied
now that you tried to kill me
you didn't succeed
i'll never bleed for you again

Greeley Estates - Until Tomorrow

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