


Hän puhui äänellä joka häiritsi taivasta. Hän sanoi, kävele tänne varjoon, kiedon sinut syliini ja tiedät olevasi turvassa.

ulkona on UKKOnenPerjantai 04.09.2009 02:24

Oh and yet, I've been cleansed.

And yet I've been cleansed with the water.
A purity no mind can grasp.
A purity so cool upon my fingertips.

The vision that I have seen.
This is the action that spawns from the end.
For the longest time, I've been watching the world breathe against (spiderwebs)

What lies here.
What lies here,
Are mountains composed of tombstones, tombstones, tombstones, tombstones.

Examine these beautiful faces, keep singing now, keep singing now.
Examine these beautiful faces, keep singing now.
Examine these beautiful faces. Oh.

Will we push bedlam noise to the state of blissfulness?
Display her beauty to the people, to the people. Oh.

A purity no mind can grasp.

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